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 We use the past continuous to describe an interrupted activity which continued for a period in the past and to talk about things happening for a continuous.

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Presentation on theme: " We use the past continuous to describe an interrupted activity which continued for a period in the past and to talk about things happening for a continuous."— Presentation transcript:


2  We use the past continuous to describe an interrupted activity which continued for a period in the past and to talk about things happening for a continuous period in the past.

3  to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something He was playing computer games.

4  for two things happening at the same time He was playing computer games while she was watching TV.

5  for things you were in the middle of doing when another thing happened He was watching TV when Tom arrived.

6  We form the past continuous tense with the helping verb was/were + present participle (V1 + -ing).

7  Iwasgoingweweregoing Youweregoingyouweregoing Hewasgoingtheyweregoing Shewasgoing It wasgoing

8  We form questions by using the helping verb was/were + subject + present participle (V1 + -ing).

9 Was Igoing?Were wegoing? Were yougoing?Were yougoing? Washegoing?Were theygoing? Wasshegoing? Wasitgoing?

10  We form the negative with the helping verb was/were + not + present participle (V1 + -ing).

11 I was not going we were not going Youwere not going you were not going Hewas not going they were not going Shewas not going It was not going


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