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Irregular Past Tense Verb Forms. Regular Verbs The past tense of most verbs is formed by adding an –ed to the end of it. These verbs are called regular.

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Presentation on theme: "Irregular Past Tense Verb Forms. Regular Verbs The past tense of most verbs is formed by adding an –ed to the end of it. These verbs are called regular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irregular Past Tense Verb Forms

2 Regular Verbs The past tense of most verbs is formed by adding an –ed to the end of it. These verbs are called regular verbs. Verbs that do not follow this format are called irregular verbs.

3 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had LendLent Make Win Catch Drawn Made Won Caught DrewDraw

4 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had Tear Burst Cut Hurt Begin Torn Tore Burst Cut Hurt BegunBegan

5 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had Blow Break Bring Choose Come BlownBlew BrokenBroke Brought ChosenChose ComeCame

6 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had Do Drink Drive Eat Fall DoneDid DrunkDrank DrivenDrove EatenAte FallenFell

7 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had Freeze Give Go Know Lead FrozenFroze GivenGave GoneWent KnownKnew Led

8 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had Ride Ring Run See Shrink RiddenRode RungRang RunRan SeenSaw ShrunkShrank

9 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had Sing Sink Speak Steal Swim SungSang SunkSank SpokenSpoke StolenStole SwumSwam

10 Irregular Verb Examples VerbPast TensePast Tense w/ Have/Has/Had Take Throw Wear Write TakenTook ThrownThrew WornWore WrittenWrote

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