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Presented by Catherine Tugaineyo, MBA November, 3-5 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Catherine Tugaineyo, MBA November, 3-5 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Catherine Tugaineyo, MBA November, 3-5 2010

2 Achieving sustainability Resource mobilization Activities Fundraising activities – membership fees, institutional subscription, funding from grants. Milestones for membership - Moshi 30 participants - Eldoret 60 participants - Kampala 115 participants Milestones for self supported members In Moshi, 100% of membership were supported by the ARAA Eldoret 19 out of 60 paid for themselves Kampala 40 out of 115 have paid for themselves Form a grant writing sub-committee to pursue grant opportunities and income generating activities. solicitation of funding opportunities to support ARAA – ARAA funding for 2010 meeting supported by NIH FIC through a foreign institution (MUJHU) supplements Tracking and follow up for members and member institutions (added Rwanda & Burundi)

3 Achieving sustainability cont’d Plans for future Piloting some products…ARAA t-shirts, (free 2010 but will be for sale in future) Vendor fees for collaborators hope to have further discussions for collaboration Seeking funding Strategies develop membership fee structure (proposed $150 per person to cater for meals & registration) Type of Membership – Individual – Institutional

4 Lessons learnt from SRA

5 How SRA builds their society Society for Research Administrators International (SRA) was formed in 1967 Brings together research administration professionals from universities, NGOs, hospitals and profit organization from all over the world Has approximately 5000 members ; 95% of whom are from US while 5% are from abroad Governed by a Board of Directors

6 How SRA builds their society Membership fees, registration etc SRA store where they sell promotional materials like t- shirts, pens, coffee mugs, jackets etc Secretariat that runs day-to-day matters communicating to members Maintaining the website Organizing workshops for their members in different states

7 Outcomes/results Grant Proposals (MUJHU) Funds (yet to develop a mechanism for receiving funds e.g. open bank account) Grants writing committee Promotional materials (have piloted books, T-shirts, etc.) Level of participation Increased membership (30 t0 115 members)

8 Means of verification Number of grant applications written Amount of funds solicited Number of meetings held

9 Responsibility Development Subcommittee Finance Subcommittee Membership Drive Subcommittee

10 Conclusion ARAA can sustain itself through: Membership fees Seeking funding Increased membership drive Building partnerships and networking with other associations and for profit organizations

11 END Comments & Questions

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