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Directive 95/50/EC TDG Checks Application of Annexes Erkki Laakso EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG ENERGY & TRANSPORT TDG Checks Riga 19-20 June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Directive 95/50/EC TDG Checks Application of Annexes Erkki Laakso EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG ENERGY & TRANSPORT TDG Checks Riga 19-20 June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directive 95/50/EC TDG Checks Application of Annexes Erkki Laakso EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG ENERGY & TRANSPORT TDG Checks Riga 19-20 June 2006

2 Annexes I-III to Directive 95/50/EC were revised by Commission Directive 2004/112/EC Directive 2004/112/EC TDG Checks

3 ANNEX III is an Annual Report model ANNEX III is an Annual Report model Application year of new ANNEX III



6 New ANNEX III Year of application COUNTRY20052006COUNTRY20052006 AT Austria x LT Lithuania x BE Belgium x LU Luxembourg x CY Cyprus LV Latvia x CZ Czech x MT Malta DE Germany x NL Netherlands x DK Denmark PL Poland x EE Estonia x PT Portugal EL Greece SE Sweden x ES Spain x SI Slovenia FI Finland x SK Slovakia x FR France UK Un. Kingdom HU Hungary x CH Switzerland 2007 IE Ireland x NO Norway x IT Italy TOTAL414

7 Keep the 2005 report still in old format if possible CONCLUSION:

8 Annex I is a check list for Annex I is a check list for checks on the road checks on the road it was not planned for checks it was not planned for checks in the premises of enterprises in the premises of enterprises Application of ANNEX I for checks in premises


10 Checks in premises of enterprises COUNTRYYesNoCOUNTRYYesNo AT Austria x/fut LT Lithuania x BE Belgium x LU Luxembourg x CY Cyprus LV Latvia x? CZ Czech x MT Malta DE Germany x NL Netherlands x DK Denmark PL Poland x EE Estonia x/fut PT Portugal EL Greece SE Sweden x ES Spain x SI Slovenia FI Finland x SK Slovakia x FR France UK Un. Kingdom x HU Hungary x CH Switzerland x IE Ireland x NO Norway x IT Italy TOTAL127

11 a) Either to establish an ad hoc working group and prepare a proposal on « Annex Ib » for the next TDG Committee meeting in Brussels b) Or to start to prepare the inclusion of all check lists into ADR WHAT COULD BE DONE ?

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