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Leveraging Urbanization in South Asia

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1 Leveraging Urbanization in South Asia
Pakistan Urban Forum Karachi January 10, 2014 Peter D. Ellis Lead Urban Economist The World Bank

2 SAR Countries Still at Early Stage of Transformation
Least urbanized region in the world with low urban shares. By 2030, 315 million people added to South Asia’s cities. Urbanized share by Region (2011) Latin America and the Caribbean Europe and Central Africa Middle East and North Africa East Asia and Pacific Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia Urban Share Growth Rate (%) Source: WB staff estimates based on WUP-2011 data

3 High Concentration of Mega-cities
From 5 now to 9 in next 10 years Lahore will be added Source: Taubenbock et al (Feb 2012)

4 Strengthening of Agglomerations

5 Formation of a Transnational Mega-Agglomeration

6 Urbanization Process Urbanization City size and spatial structure
Connectivity Access to markets Urban planning Land & affordable housing Crime, Grime, Disease & Congestion Productivity, Skills, Jobs & Innovation Governance & finance Accountability, basic services Migration & Skills Access to jobs Outcomes Prosperity Poverty Livability

7 Main Challenges to Urbanization
Access to markets Access to land & housing Access to basic services Access to jobs Governance & Financing Arrangements which create correct incentives for efficient provision , & tackle issues of horizontal & vertical fragmentation Connectivity Hard & soft infrastructure improvements Planning Integrated land use & transportation planning which relaxes, rather than exacerbates, supply constraints Skills & Migration Agglomeration economies are facilitated by human capital accumulation & pull migration

8 Land Management is Critical to City Development
Urban planning uses greater granularity in zoning. Fine-grained approach promoting mixed land-use. Using land value to guide infrastructure investments. Mumbai Metropolitan City - 603 sqkm Singapore - 710 sqkm

9 Sprawl vs. Densification
New York City Karachi

10 Using Zoning to Capture Property Value Gains
Manhattan focus on transit nodes select catalyst sites for piloting Seoul variations in FSI linked to location of metro stations and network of main streets Mumbai Increase proposed development charge from 8 to 15 % of property value Expected revenue of Rs. 100,000 Crore (roughly US$ 16 billion) over 15 years

11 Pakistan’s Urban Corridor

12 Intensifying Around Key Urban Centers

13 Dominance of Karachi consistent with other Cities Across Asia
City/region Population (2007) City Pop/ national pop City GRDP/ national GDP Seoul 9,800,000 20.8% 33.0% Bangkok 12,000,000 17.8% 35.0% Kuala Lumpur 4,800,000 17.4% 36.0% Manila 11,500,000 13.0% 47.0% Karachi 16,000,000 8.0% 20.0% Ho Chi Minh City 6,000,000 6.9% 24.0% DKI Jakarta 9,000,000 4.1% 18.0% Mumbai 16,400,000 1.3% 6.2% Shanghai 2.9% City is defined only as core only

14 However, Smaller Cities are Becoming
Medium-sized Cities Note: Calculations from 1998 Census and UNWUP.

15 Large Cities Outperform Medium and Small Cities
Fastest population growth Higher per capita incomes Lower poverty rates Bigger manufacturing shares Largest concentration of high-tech firms

16 Informal Sector Very Dominant
Large informal sector: many low productivity firms Low tax collection constrains public investment Worse problem in smaller cities Note: Calculations, from Pakistan Labor Force Survey

17 Need to connect medium and small cities to improve market potential
Source: Calculations based on 1998 census. Quintiles of market access

18 Critical Elements for Urban Transformation
Clearly articulated vision at national and city levels. Identification and implementation of catalytic investments within city. Detailed financing plan. Extensive stakeholder consultation.

19 Pakistan is Well Positioned to Capture the Urban Dividend
What do Pakistan’s cities need to do in order to meet the demands of their growing populations? How does the nationally articulated vision and strategy support city development? How will the local government structure be reformed to allow cities to effectively manage their transformation?

20 Thank You! 20

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