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Objects of the Sky Research

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Presentation on theme: "Objects of the Sky Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objects of the Sky Research
My Bibliography Objects of the Sky Research Research by ________________ For my research, I used Pebble Go, World Book Kids and a book called: ___________________. The book was written by __________________.

2 Write a fact about the sun.
Here is a drawing of the night time sky. Label the parts: Moon and Stars Write a fact about the sun. ___________________________ N Write a fact about the moon. ___________________________

3 The sky has: Sun Moon Clouds Stars Write a fact about clouds.
Color for yes Color for no. Write a fact about clouds. ___________________________ Write a fact about stars. ___________________________

4 Here is a picture of the daytime sky. Label the parts: Sun and Clouds .
Interesting Facts 1._________________________ __________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________ ___________________________ N

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