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Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.

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Presentation on theme: "Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.
EARTH - MOON SUN Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.

2 The sun is the center of our Solar System.
It gives us heat and energy.

3 The Sun is enormous!

4 If you look to the East each morning you will see the Sunrise.
The Sun always comes up from the East.

5 At the end of each day the Sun goes down in the West.
This is called Sunset.

6 Our Earth is one of nine planets that go around the Sun.
Planets orbit the Sun. Each planet stays in its own ring or orbit.

7 Some planets are big and some are small.

8 Earth is a small planet.

9 Our Earth is the 3rd planet
This is our Earth. Our Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun.

10 It takes 365 days for our Earth to travel all the way around the Sun.
There are 365 days in one year.

11 The Earth spins all the way around every 24 hours.
While the Earth travels around the Sun it is also spinning around like a top. The Earth spins all the way around every 24 hours.

12 This spinning is called rotation.
We have day and night because of the Earth’s rotation.

13 If you look at the night sky you will see the Moon.

14 The Moon has its own orbit around the Earth.

15 Earth only has one Moon, but some planets have lots of moons.
These are the moons of Jupiter.

16 Moons do not have their own light.
The Earth does not have its own light. Planets and moons get their light from the Sun.

17 Each night you look at the Moon it will look differently.
Sometimes the Sun’s light is blocked and you can only see part of the Moon.

18 The different shapes of the Moon are called phases.

19 It takes 28 days or one month for the Moon to go through all its phases.

20 The moon is always in the sky,
but you can see it best in the night sky.

21 You can see stars in the night sky.

22 Long ago people made dot to dot drawings from the stars. We call these Constellations.

23 Planets are always in the sky. Sometimes you can see some of the planets in the night sky.

24 Clouds are always in the sky. They are easier to see in the day sky.

25 The Sun is only seen in the day sky. We have day because of the Sun.

26 QUIZ 1.What does the word rotation mean? _____ 2.What happens every 24 hours? ________ 3.Where do the Earth and the Moon get their light? ____________________________ 4.Name three objects you can see in the night sky. _________________________ 5.Why does the shape of the Moon change at different times of the month? ________

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