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C HAPTER 17- T HE A GE OF R EFORM Section 17.1- The Progressive Movement.

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1 C HAPTER 17- T HE A GE OF R EFORM Section 17.1- The Progressive Movement

2 A. T HE P ROGRESSIVE SPIRIT - FOCUS ON REFORM OR MAKING URBAN LIFE BETTER ; NO PROBLEMS Very similar to populism but focused more on urban not on rural 1. Examples of reform in urban setting 1.Public sanitation 2.Firing corrupt political machines 3.Unsafe working conditions 2. Similar to populist reforms 1.Gradual income tax 2.8 hour work day 3.Minimum wage 4.End monopolies 5.End to child labor -Main goal- better life for all; let everyone share the wealth -Ex) low unemployment rates -How? Use government power= shift in feeling, the government is responsible for making life good. 3. Progressives were all classes and genders -Became a focus of middle class -Women especially benefited from reform

3 B. I NSPIRATION FOR R EFORM - HOW DID THE MESSAGE OF PROGRESSIVISM SPREAD ? 1. Magazines- McClure’s, Cosmopolitan, Munsey’s Stories of corruption in politics and business Problems in slums and with child labor Use sensationalism to attract attention These writers became known as Muckrakers Ex) Ida Tarbell and Standard Oil Company 2. Books 3. Art- Ash Can School Focus of media: alter capitalism

4 C. E XPLORING SOCIAL PROBLEMS Progressive thinkers used 2 things 1. Strong activist centered government- to promote the welfare of all citizens 2. Demand society to show concern for the well being of all…Step up!


6 A. R EFORMING THE WORK PLACE Progressives see problems in work place Long hours, dangerous, low pay, child labor

7 H OW DID THEY FIGHT THOSE PROBLEMS ? 1. National Child Labor Committee- 1904 By 1912- 39 states passed laws reducing child labor Limited hours- no dangerous jobs or late night shifts *Problem- law not enforced Businesses complained it hurt production Children still getting hired 2. Fought for laws reducing limited hours- Oregon and Utah were successful areas 3. 1/3 employed living in poverty- led to fight for minimum wage (women and children) Some states followed Progressives but it took until 1938 for National Minimum Wage. 4. Fight for safe conditions- followed a warehouse fire in NYC- 140 dead (1911)

8 B. C OURTS R ESPONSE - BUSINESS O WNERS AND I NDUSTRIAL L EADERS - NOT GIVING UP WITHOUT A FIGHT. 14 th amendment – the right to life, liberty and property 1. Supreme Court rules in favor of business’s freedom of contract “worker has liberty or freedom to accept employment.” 2. Court did side with social legislation some times- when the effects on health and well being were shown

9 C. L ABOR U NIONS Unions wanted closed shops- work place only hires union members Some even favor socialism- people/workers own means of production 1. AFL- American Federation of Labor 2. IWW- Industrial Workers of the World- open shop- non-union work place


11 A. R EFORMING CITY LIFE - BY 1920, OVER 50% OF U.S. POPULATION WAS LIVING IN A CITY … PROBLEMS FROM OVER CROWDING. 1. Clean up city A. New York State Tenement House Bill a.Put in windows for light, air, and ventilation b.Built around open court yard c.Bathroom for every apartment, not floor B. National Tuberculosis Association a.Educate people on TB and lobby government to build special hospitals C. Plans to get rid of city garbage D. City parks, playgrounds- safe place for children

12 2. City Planning- idea that a clean city and better architecture would influence people to be better citizens a.Chicago, Washington D.C., Cleveland, San Francisco—influenced other areas b. Main objective followed: parks, building odes, sanitation, standards, zoning, jobs of local government

13 B. U RBAN M ORAL R EFORM - GET RID OF IMMORAL BEHAVIOR C AUSES : 1. Alcohol- main problem- increase in crime, breakup of family, unemployment a.Anti-saloon league b.Women’s Christian Temperance Union c.Volunteers and workers all over the country preached the message to stop drinking and get rid of alcohol and saloons d.Led to the 18 th Amendment- Prohibition- 1919 2. Rise of Motion Pictures- seen by many, sources of temptation about crime, drugs, romance, etc.

14 C. L IMITS OF P ROGRESSIVISM Whites help whites; blacks help blacks a.WEB DuBois “ The Soul of Black Folk”- 1903 “I am African AND American b.Socialism --- communism 1. The fight for racial justice- 1909 NAACP a.National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons b.“The Crisis”- DuBois and Addams c.1915- Guinn v. U.S. – outlaw grandfather clause d.1917- Buchanan v. Warley- no segregated housing e.National Urban League- 1910- help Southern blacks adapt to the North 2. American Indian Progressives -Dawes Act (1887) not working; gradual change -1911- society of American Indians- some strong tribal values, some assimilation 1.Jim Thorpe- Olympic gold medallist- role model 2.No “buck” or “squaw” stereotypes 3.Criticize Bureau of Indian Affairs- decline after 1923 because mismanagement

15 D. I MMIGRANTS AND A SSIMILATION 1. Sympathetic 2. Accusation of immoral behavior- drinking, gambling, support political machines; result- resist immigration Ex) Madison Grant 1916- progressive yet “The Passing of The Great Race”- racist 3. Solution- “Americanization” – immigrants resent

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