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Unit 10 Jenny From Wenzhou Foreign Language School.

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1 Unit 10 Jenny From Wenzhou Foreign Language School


3 swim play chess paint sing dance

4 A: Can you …? B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.

5 a super boy of sports Can he …? Ted

6 a super girl of art and music Can she …? Hello! Nice to see you. speak English speak English play the guitar play the guitar Kitty

7 swimming club art club music club chess club English club Hi volleyball club A: What club do you want to join? B: I want to join the … club.

8 I cant speak English well. But I want to try( ). English club Hi What club do they want to join together ? I think they want to join the … club.

9 David Joe Lisa

10 David:What club do you want to join? Lisa:I want to join the chess club. David:Can you play chess? Lisa:No, I cant. Joe:I can.

11 A: What club do you want to join? B: I want to join the … club. A: Can you … ? B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. But I want to try. Make a similar conversation in pairs.

12 a.English club club club d.chess club e.swimming club Listen and choose the clubs you hear.

13 1.Can the girl play chess? 2.How about the boy? 3.Does the boy like English? 4.What club do they want to join together? Listen again and answer the following questions.

14 Boy: Here are all the clubs. Girl: What club do you want to join? Boy : I want to join the English club. Girl : Hmm. I want to join the chess club. How about you? Boy : No, I dont like chess. Do you like music? Girl: oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music. Boy : Me, too. Lets join the music club.

15 Can we join the club together ( ) Situation Find friends to join a club together with you. Useful expressions: What club do you want to join? Can you …? Do you like (doing)…? Let s join the … club. Can your friend …? Does he/ she like …? What club does he/ she want to join?

16 Listen and imitate Section A 2a, 2b. For the new words, have a dictation. Write down the conversation you ve got in the class. If you have time surf the internet and find out other clubs in English.



19 yejingfang @

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