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Electronic Communication Is the process of sending and receiving messages. E-Mail Text Message File Transfer E-Mail Sending messages from one computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Communication Is the process of sending and receiving messages. E-Mail Text Message File Transfer E-Mail Sending messages from one computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Communication Is the process of sending and receiving messages. E-Mail Text Message File Transfer E-Mail Sending messages from one computer to another. LAN - Local Area Network WAN - Wide Area Network

2 What is required for email Access to the internet via an ISP. Email address or mailbox Computer System Software (email client (Outlook Express)or internet browser)

3 E-Mail Client Program that can be used to send and receive email. Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express are examples. All email clients allow the user to carry out a number of tasks. See a list of all messages in mailbox Read Messages Create Messages Reply Send cc (carbon copy) Send bcc (blind carbon copy)

4 cont.. Set up folders to manage your email Keep an email address book Add attachments Access News Groups Advantages Used off-line (dial-up connection) All mail is downloaded and stored on your computer system. Disadvantage Set up computer to use the email client. Only use on the computer you set up the email client to.

5 Identifies the user mailbox. A mailbox is a place on the internet service provider’s computer system. All new computers have the capability to send and receive email. These are known as Internet Ready Computers.

6 Web Mail Allows the user to access their email from any computer. Use the internet browser program like Netscape navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Advantage Access email from anywhere Disadvantage Need to be on-line at all time, which can be expensive.

7 Other Methods Used for email Telephone Boxes (Screen and Keyboard) Email Telephones Mobile Text Messaging SMS (Short Message Service) Can send a message with up to 150 characters. 1.Mobile 2.Account with a service Provider (orange, Vodafone) 3.Area with sufficient signal. You can also send a text message to a mobile phone from the internet.

8 Advantages Faster than sending a letter by post. Cuts across time zones. Messages are stored on your computer system. Cheaper than sending a letter by post. Less paper used. Disadvantages User has to check mail box regularly. The person your mailing must have a mailbox. Loss of personal touch. Not secure as post. Problem with junk mail.

9 Netiquette - Network Etiquette Concerned with the way email messages are written, and how others might interpret them. For Example: Keep your messages short and to the point. Be careful about the language you use in a message. (avoid misunderstanding) Avoid using capital LETTERS! Never talk about others in messages. The message could end up being forwarded to them! Avoid sending large files as attachments.

10 File Transfer (Credit) Sending a file over the Internet alongside an email message. Such files are called attachments. Unwelcoming Attachments - viruses can be sent as an attachment. Folders Folders can be set up to manage your email. The user can have it set up to put junk mail into specific folders. Address Book Store people’s name and their email addresses.

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