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Ideology and Children’s Book 意識型態與童書 科目:兒童文學批評理論 日期: 2007/11/8 報告人:巫玉羚.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideology and Children’s Book 意識型態與童書 科目:兒童文學批評理論 日期: 2007/11/8 報告人:巫玉羚."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideology and Children’s Book 意識型態與童書 科目:兒童文學批評理論 日期: 2007/11/8 報告人:巫玉羚

2 報告大綱 Ideology Book people vs. Child people Diversity and individuality Three levels of ideology The reader as ideologist Locating the ideology of individual books 提問、反思、結語

3 Ideology ( John Stephens ) Ideologies, of course, are not necessarily undesirable, and in the sense of a system of beliefs by which we make sense of the world, social life would be impossible without them. Ideology is formulated in and by language, meanings within language are socially determined, and narratives are constructed out of language. (Language and Ideology in Children’s Literature)

4 Book people vs. Child people Adult judgements and their importance Differences of literary merit Linked with a broadly conservative and ‘reactionary’ ideological position 以 C.S Lewis 為代表,兒童 文學只是文類表現的一種。 Children’s judgements and their importance The influence on readers of a book’s social and political values With the propagation through children’s books of a ‘progressive’ ideology expressed through social values

5 作者對 ideology 的態度 (p27) Not to argue for or against any single ideological structure in children’s books To contend that ideology is an inevitable, untamealbe and largely uncontrollable factor in the transaction between books and children…because of the multiplicity and diversity of both ‘book’ and ‘child’ and of the social world To understand it, and find ways of helping people to understand it

6 Three levels of ideology 作者在文本中刻意添加的訊息,通常是最 顯而易見的。 作者本身不自覺的假設,造成意識型態流 露在文本中,這一類型的意識型態較不容 易被發現,但影響力可能比第一種更大。 作者所身處的世界,整體的文化價值和影 響也會體現在作品中。

7 The reader as ideologist Ideology is not something which is transferred to children as if they were empty receptacles. It is something which they alreadu possess, having drown it from a mass of experiences far more powerful than literature.

8 Locating the ideology of individual books The first priority is to understand how the ideology of any given book can be located(p37) Teach children how to read, so that to the limits of each child’s capacity that child will not be at the mercy of what she reads(p37) Not to evaluate, discredit or applaud a writer’s ideology, but simply to see what it is(p37)

9 速速前!意識型態 轉換觀點 What happens if the components of a text are transposed or reversed?(p37) 看看結局 Consider the denouements of some books, and the happy or unhappy ending(p38) 打包福袋 Are the values of a novel shown as a ‘package’in which separate items appear to interlock ? (p38)

10 速速前!意識型態 表裡不一 They test and undermine some of the values which they superficially appear to celebrating (p38) 好人好事 Are desirable values associated with niceness of character, and vice versa?(p39) 有無選擇 Does anyone in a story have to make a difficult choice – of behaviour, loyalties, values, etc. – in which there is more than one defensible course of action?(p39) 無聲隱形 Omission and invisibility(p40)

11 回應、思考、提問 book people 和 child people 之爭 意識型態的三種層次與臺灣童書的品德教 育系列、文化繪本系列 和諾德曼比較兩者對待意識型態的態度。 只是辨認而不下評斷,可能嗎? 除了意識型態,閱讀文學的目的和樂趣如 何?

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