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FY15 Rural Opioid Overdose Reversal Grant Program HRSA-15-146 PRE-REVIEW CONFERENCE CALL.

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Presentation on theme: "FY15 Rural Opioid Overdose Reversal Grant Program HRSA-15-146 PRE-REVIEW CONFERENCE CALL."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY15 Rural Opioid Overdose Reversal Grant Program HRSA-15-146 PRE-REVIEW CONFERENCE CALL

2 Purpose and goals 2  Purpose: reduce the incidences of morbidity and mortality related to opioid overdoses in rural communities through the purchase and placement of emergency devices used to rapidly reverse the effects of opioid overdoses and to provide training Goals: 1.Purchase naloxone and opioid overdose reversal devices and increase the availability in rural areas through strategic placement; 2.Train licensed healthcare professionals and others using the devices to recognize the signs of opioid overdose, administer naloxone, administer basic cardiopulmonary life support, report results, and provide appropriate transport to a hospital or clinic for continued care after administration;

3 Goals (cont): 3.Refer those with a drug dependency to appropriate substance abuse treatment centers where care coordination is provided by a team of providers; and 4.Demonstrate improved and measurable health outcomes, including but not limited to, reducing opioid overdose morbidity and mortality in rural areas. 3

4 Eligibility – Lead applicant must be:  Rural and,  Represent a community partnership  Community partnerships should consist of at least two organizations and be comprised of local emergency responders and other local non-profit and for profit entities involved in the prevention and treatment of opioid overdoses  All services must be performed in rural areas  The lead applicant (if awarded, will be the grantee of record)  Must have financial and management systems in place 4

5 Required Attachments  Attachment 1 – Staffing Plan and Job Description for Key Personnel  Attachment 2 – Biographical Sketches  Attachment 3 – Project Organizational Chart  Attachment 4 – Opioid Overdose Data  Attachment 5 – Partnership MOU/MOA  Attachment 6 – Assessment Plan  Attachment 7 – State statute or legislation regarding use of naloxone for opioid overdoses  Attachment 8 – Training Module (refer to pages 10-11 of the FOA for full description) 5

6 Funding restrictions  As listed on page 11 of HRSA-15-146 (FOA): For the purchase, construction, renovation, or improvement of facilities or real property  As listed on page 5 of HRSA-15-146 (FOA): Intranasal forms of administration are not approved by the FDA 6

7 HRSA-15-039 Review criteria Project NarrativeReview CriteriaNumber of points Introduction Needs assessment Criterion 1: Need See pages 12-13 of FOA 25 Methodology Work Plan Resolution of Challenges Criterion 2: Response See page 13 of FOA 25 Evaluation and technical support capacity Criterion 3: Evaluative Measures See pages 13-14 of FOA 20 Work PlanCriterion 4: Impact See page 14 of FOA 10 Organizational information Criterion 5: Resources/capabilities See page 14 of FOA 15 Budget Budget justification Criterion 6: Support requested See page 14 of FOA 5 7

8 Questions? 8

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