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Transition from Product Value Chains (the “wasting economy”) to Resource Value Cycles (the “renewable economy”) by Developing Zero Waste Ecoparks Dan Noble.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition from Product Value Chains (the “wasting economy”) to Resource Value Cycles (the “renewable economy”) by Developing Zero Waste Ecoparks Dan Noble."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition from Product Value Chains (the “wasting economy”) to Resource Value Cycles (the “renewable economy”) by Developing Zero Waste Ecoparks Dan Noble The Sustainable Organization™ And Association of Compost Producers, Pictures and (most) words from: Eric Lombardi, Eco-Cycle,, Dan Knapp, Urban Ore ®,, and Gary Liss, Gary Liss & Associates,

2 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 2 Defining Sustainability for an Enterprise or Community The Triple Bottom Line: People: Personal and Community Wellbeing Planet: Renewable Environment/Resources Profit: Financial Abundance ECONOMY Society Environment Sustainable View SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Society Sustainable Economy Typical World View Journey to Sustainability

3 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 3 Daly Pyramid

4 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 4 Journey to Sustainability: Development of a Circular Economy Linear Economy* Natural Resources & Resource Industries Air Water Land & Minerals Energy Biological Industrial Processes, Distribution & Product Use Waste & Pollution From Eugene Odum, Ecology, 1963 and,

5 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 5 Circular, Zero Waste, Economy* Natural Resources & Resource Industries Air Water Land & Minerals Energy Biological Industrial Processes, Distribution & Product Use Waste & Pollution Environmental Industry Journey to Sustainability: Development of a Circular Economy From Eugene Odum, Ecology, 1963 and,

6 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 6 Sustainability = Collaboration All about managing differences! Conflict  Contrast  Collaboration Forcing Collaboration Avoidance Accommodation Compromise SELF ASSERTIVE 100 COMPASSIONATE 100 0 0 Collaboration

7 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 7 Nested Resource Cycles Tier 1: Residential, On-site/Facility - “Onsite Market” Tier 2: Community, Municipality, Agency – Wholesale - Retail “Markets” Tier 3: Between Communities – “Government to Wholesale Markets ” Indu stry ResidentialCommercial No one niche is “right,” correct or “the best.” Sanitation (water & solids) agencies are typically involved in all at the same time. Solids & Water Market Development Strategies and Tactics must work synergistically to build resource value and system efficiency (esp. w/ energy!!). This is still a goal to which all our communities are actively working.

8 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 8 Zero Waste Movement* Zero WasteZero Waste is emerging as a: paradigm shift, a new, comprehensive socio-technical system, that addresses our resource use from product design to disposal “Cradle to Cradle” - * From

9 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 9 Zero Waste Movement There are four central concepts to the Zero Waste system: 1. Changing the Rules to support resource recovery; 2. Producer Responsibility to hold industry liable for creating less toxic and more efficient products; 3. Purchasing for Zero Waste to use our buying power as our voice for Zero Waste; and 4. Resource Recovery Infrastructure to build the processing and recovery systems to move us toward Zero Waste. Learn more about all these aspects and the Zero Waste System.Zero Waste System.

10 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 10

11 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 11 Zero Waste, Resource Recovery Centers (EcoParks) Seven key Zero Waste Facilities Needed: 1. Re-Use Facilities – e.g. like thrift stores ( 2. The MRF – “Materials Recovery Facility” (sorting) 3. C&D Facilities – “Construction & Demolition” debris recycling 4. Composting Facility – to recycle “dry” organics 5. Aerobic & Anaerobic Digestion Facilities – to extract energy and/or produce fertilizer products from “wet” organics 6. The CHaRM – “Center for Hard to Recycle Materials 7. Residue Facility – like the old “landfill” but VERY MUCH smaller Can often be built at active or closed landfills!

12 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 12 Urban Ore ® To end the Age of Waste

13 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 13 Resource Recovery Park, U.K.

14 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 14 Know Your Discards Material% in WastesValue ($/ton) 1. Reusables6%$400 2. Putrescibles26%$35 3. Paper21%$100 4. Ceramics (C&D)10%$15 5. Metals9%$80 6. Polymers9%$150 7. Soils6%$15 8. Glass4%$25 9. Textiles3%$20 10. Plant Debris3%$35 11. Wood2%$15 12. Chemicals1%$200

15 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 15 Barriers to Transformation They’re in our mind … AND imbedded in past investments! Specialized (non-integrated) Professions E.g. civil, structural, electrical, chemical “engineers” vs. ecological engineers Air, water or solid specialists, vs. cradle-to-cradle integralists! Resources Laws Based on Linear vs. Circular Economic Model Profit-centric (economic) vs. Planet & People-centric view Trillions of Dollars of “Sunk Investments” E.g. Old refineries, manufacturing practices, mines, etc., etc. People DO NOT want to “abandon” those investments! Building Economies of Scope vs. Economies of Scale i.e. lot’s of little, distributed, integrated values, vs. a few, large, centralized, specialized values

16 Inquiry International ™ The Sustainable Organization ™ “We Build Healthy Soil” 16 Reference Sites Global Reporting Initiative, International Society of Sustainability Professionals, Grass Roots Recycling Network, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, GreenSource Network San Diego Regional Sustainability Partnership Green Chamber of San Diego County City of Portland, Office of Sustainable Development, Sustainable Sustainable Industries, Environmental Business Journal, Terry Tamminen, “Lives per Gallon: The True Cost of our Oil Addition” Paul Hawken, “The Ecology of Commerce” Natural Capital Institute, Ecocycle, Inc., Ecological Engineering Group,

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