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How Smart Are You? Question #1 You’re driving a bus that is leaving on a trip from Pennsylvania and ending in New York. To start off with, there were.

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2 How Smart Are You?

3 Question #1 You’re driving a bus that is leaving on a trip from Pennsylvania and ending in New York. To start off with, there were 32 passengers on the bus. At the next stop, 11 people get off and 9 people get on. At the next stop, 2 people get off and 2 people get on. At the next stop, 12 people get off and 16 people get on.

4 What color are the eyes of the bus driver? Blue? Green? Brown? Hazel? Grey? Information not given.

5 A BRIEF HISTORY OF IQ TESTS 1904- Alfred Binet Hired by school district to identify “slow learners” Used age graded tasks to identify a child’s mental age 1911 Lewis Terman Revised Binet’s test IQ=Mental Age/Chronological Age X 100 See any probs with this model? Argued that intelligence was fixed, inherited, and measurable. “Eugenics Movement”, Immigration, Government Jobs

6 Test Construction Standardization, Validity, & Reliability 68% of people score within 15 points above or below 100 About 96% of all people fall within 30 points of 100

7 Battle of the Brains Exploring Intelligence

8 What is Intelligence? Mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience. Factor Analysis Approach (Charles Spearman) Describes the structure of intelligence by analyzing test scores. (Psychometric Approach) g-factor- general mental ability L. L. Thurstone rejected g-factor. (Believed scores on 7 primary mental abilities was more informative.) Yo, g, what up?

9 Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner) States that people have specific intellectual potentials, or “intelligences,” each involving a set of problem- solving skills. I love words Numbers are my friends Dance is my life Yeah, that’s right I’m Jazzy. I could Put “Makeover: Home Edition” to shame. Hmm… looks like Another case of Oedipus Complex I did my best To understand And serve the world. Look at those Finches!

10 Extremes of Intelligence: Savant Syndrome Low IQ score, but has an island of intelligence. 4 in 5 people with savant syndrome are males, and may also have autism, a developmental disorder Categories of abilities: Calendar Calculating, Musical Ability, Lightening Calculating Ability, Memory, Mechanical Achievement, Artistic Ability

11 Question #2 Ready for another intelligence test? NO? Oh well…play along. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10.

12 Did you get 5000? SORRY, BUT THAT IS THE WRONG ANSWER! ANYONE HAVE A DIFFERENT ANSWER? 4100 Don’t believe me? Take out your calculators.

13 STERNBERG’S TRIARCHICAL THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE: There is more to success than traditional intelligence. Argues there are 3, not 8 kinds. ANALYTIC CREATIVE PRACTICAL ”Apply…” “Use…” “Utilize…” "Create…” “Invent…” “Design…” "Analyze…” “Compare…” “Evaluate…” Persistence Self Confidence Motivation Interpersonal skills Set priorities Intuition

14 Creativity: Ability to produce new and effective solutions to challenges Divergent Thinking Creativity Requires Expertise More Learned Than Inherited IQ and Creativity are Only Mildly Correlated

15 Emotional Intelligence 1990 - "emotional intelligence,“ Mayer & Salavoy What is it? Reading People (perceive emotions) Manage emotions without being hijacked by them Persistence in the face of setbacks Empathy Handling feelings in relationships with skill/harmony Critics? “Self Reports” Lacks empirical evidence Some claim EI is a form of personality.

16 INSTRUCTIONS: Please select a response for each item. 1. What mood(s) might be helpful to feel when creating new, exciting decorations for a birthday party? Not Useful Useful a. annoyance 1 2 3 4 5 b. boredom 1 2 3 4 5 c. joy 1 2 3 4 5 Critisicms?

17 Vocabulary Shout Out 1. General problem- solving techniques that are TYPICALLY accurate. Answer: Heuristics 2. Best example of a concept Answer: Prototype 3. A systematic guarantee to problem solving Answer: Algorithm 4. The function assigned to an object might remain fixed or stable. Answer: Functional Fixedness 5. Strategy used when people decide whether the sample they are judging matches the appropriate prototype Answer: Representative Heuristic

18 Vocabulary Shout Out 1. Using the same solution you’ve used in previous problems Mental Set 2. The way an issue is posed can affect decisions. Framing 3. People make an initial estimate and then make adjustments to that number based on additional information. Anchoring 4. Established standards of performance Norms 5. A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items on a test. Factor Analysis

19 Intelligence Created the first test Binet/Terman revised Defining meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a retested group. Standardization The symmetrical bell- shaped curve that describes distributions. Normal Distribution The extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest Content Validity Most popular Intelligence Test Weschler A condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an amazing specific skill Savant Syndrome Theory that proposes 7 different intelligence Gardner’s MI Ability to perceive emotion accurately, to understand it, and to express it.

20 So…. I heard you took an IQ test? Wanna see how ya did? Score your test. How did if feel to take an IQ test? Do you think your intelligence has been accurately measured by this test? Why or why not? What test items seemed most valid as measures of intelligence, and what items seemed least valid? Are there any ways in which this test might be improved? What information would this test give to schools, employers, or leaders of government? How should one interpret the results of this test?

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