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The Water Cycle Water Cycle Evaporation Condensation Precipitation.

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2 The Water Cycle

3 Water Cycle Evaporation Condensation Precipitation

4 Sun Heat from the sun changes water into water vapor

5 When the sun’s energy heats liquid water, it turns into a gas called water vapor. This process is called EVAPORATION

6 Condensation The water vapor cools as it rises. The particles move closer together and form liquid water again as clouds.

7 The process of water vapor (gas) turning to liquid water is called CONDENSATION

8 When the water particles grow in size and weight, they fall faster. Water that falls to Earth is called PRECIPITATION.

9 Water Cycle Song (to the tune of “She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain”) Water travels in a cycle, yes it does. Use pointer finger to draw large circle in air. Water travels in a cycle, yes it does. Repeat above motion. It goes up as evaporation, Raise arms at side with palms up. Forms clouds as condensation, Brings hands together above head, forming large cloud shape with arms. Then falls down as precipitation, yes it does. Slowly lower arms at side with palms down, fingers moving.


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