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POLONIUM  The symbol for Polonium is Po.  Polonium’s atomic weight is 209.  The atomic number is 84. By: Rachel Pence.

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Presentation on theme: "POLONIUM  The symbol for Polonium is Po.  Polonium’s atomic weight is 209.  The atomic number is 84. By: Rachel Pence."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLONIUM  The symbol for Polonium is Po.  Polonium’s atomic weight is 209.  The atomic number is 84. By: Rachel Pence

2 USES & PROPERTIES  Mixed or alloyed with beryllium to provide a source of neutrons.  Used for eliminating static charges from textile mills.  Used on brushes for removing dust from photographic films.  Thermoelectric power in space satellites.  Polonium is the only component of cigarette smoke that has produced cancers by itself in laboratory animals by inhalation.  Is a source of radiation and a heat source in space vehicles.  Melting point is 254˚C.  Boiling point is 962˚C.  Hardness is mohs.  Color is blue glow.  It is radioactive.  Highly toxic.  Uranium ores; rarely occurs free in nature.  Silver-grey metal. Soluble in dilute acids.  Heat capacity: 26.1  Critical temperature:2880.0 K  Its decay releases 140 W per g.

3 WHERE DOES POLONIUM COME FROM?  Polonium was discovered by Marie Curie in 1898.  She named the element after her homeland, Poland.  At that time, Poland was under Russian domination and not recognized as a nation.  Mary’s hope that naming the element after her homeland would add notoriety to its plight.  Polonium may be the first element named to highlight a political controversy.  This element was the first one discovered by the Curies while they were investigating the cause of pitchblende radioactivity.  Compounds are halogens, oxygen and hydrogen.

4 Polonium Uses Eliminates static charges in textile mills Source of neutrons. Source of radiation and a heat source in space vehicles. Thermoelectric power in space satellites. Properties Boiling point: 254°C. Melting point 962°C Uranium ores; rarely occurs in nature. Highly toxic, radioactive. Facts Polonium was discovered in 1898 by Marie Curie. Curie named the element after her homeland, Poland. Discovered while investigating the cause of pitchblende radioactivity. More facts Very similar to Tellurium and Bismuth. Studied for possible use in spacecraft. Curie’s hope that naming the element after Poland would add notoriety to its plight. Found in tobacco smoke.

5 RESOURCES w w eol.html w w w ky/elements/Po/Polonium%202.html P th /polonium.html w w w topics P - Po/Polonium.html-k

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