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Visit: July 23 2005 Presented By: Subramanian Ramamurthy Jigani School Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Visit: July 23 2005 Presented By: Subramanian Ramamurthy Jigani School Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visit: July 23 2005 Presented By: Subramanian Ramamurthy Jigani School Presentation

2 Highlights  Village school  Services elementary & secondary school needs of Jigani and several surrounding villages  Several very dedicated teachers and staff  Although they receive some limited government support, they have financial difficulties of two kinds Lack funds for facilities and infrastructure Lack funds for teacher’s salaries  Can we help them? They have some requests. In addition, I have some ideas, and would like to initiate a discussion on this topic.

3 History of the School 1961: School began in temple/fields, etc. 1973: Building constructed by the land army : Ishwar Murthy took over as Headmaster 1994: High school begins

4 The School, in Pictures


6 Basic Statistics  Elementary, middle and high school  Only school with 8-12 grades in the area (people come here from government school)  Total of 1300 students (470 in elementary school, 745 in high school, 162 in PUC)  ~30 rooms, situated in a 2 acre plot  Students pay Rs. 500 p.a. (and Rs. 500 towards school expenses)

7 Sounds good, so far… What seems to be the problem?

8 Problems  Infrastructure Not able to accept all students (from surrounding villages) due to lack of space Teachers go on regular quarterly rounds to get funds for expansion & maintenance  Monthly expenses – cash flow Teacher’s salaries are often difficult to come up with Often need the support of external donors to cover this

9 Displaced Classrooms…





14 Proposed Solution: New Classrooms

15 Cost Estimate for New Classrooms  Proposing the construction of 4 new classrooms  Use existing land, 0.25 acres  1 classroom costs Rs. 2,90,000 ($6682)  Total estimated expenses are Rs. 11,60,000 ($26,728)

16 Dedicated Teachers!


18 Problem with Teacher’s Salaries  Salaries are quite low M.A., B.Ed. teacher gets Rs. 1500 p.m. Principal gets Rs. 3300 p.m., after 9 yrs experience  Govt. supports 8 teachers (@Rs. 6000 p.m.)  Paying the remaining teachers is often challenging Often need to ask local donors for funds  Also, lack of funds makes it difficult to recruit new teachers

19 What could we do to help teachers?  SAC type program for teachers salaries?  One time fund to help teachers for a fixed period of time?  Provide seed money for a teachers “fund” – e.g., matching funds provide them incentive when they go fund raising locally

20 Some high-level points (some motivation to provide help…)  Jigani village has a poor “economy”  They are located near an industrial estate but there are several socio-economic problems Uneducated, often unemployed, population Leads to a lot of friction between businesses and villagers Businesses wary of helping the villagers due to a few bad incidents  Education can help solve some of these problems by providing a capable next generation

21 The Future!

22 Sri Nityananda Swamy Educational Trust Proposal Highlights Asha Contacts: Subramaniam Ram Radhakrishna

23 Brief Introduction Of The School  Name: Sri Nityananda Swamy Educational Trust  School was started by 1961 and caters to the needs of 35 villages around jigani in the radius of 5 km.  The strength of students from 1 st to PUC is ~1500.

24 Motivation of the Trust  To help and educate the rural uneducated boys and girls.  To make everyone educate so they live on concience, they work on concience and they vote on concience.

25 Q. What non education-related community activities is your group involved in?  [As written in proposal] Our group people (trustees) are all philanthropic people and god fearing people. We are the first people to help the uneducated people to become educated and motivate them to become self employed. We also help them in getting jobs, through our Industrialist situated in our village. We concentrate more on poor and downtrodden

26 Q. List the school/s run by the trust:  Sri Nithyanandaswamy Primamry School  Sri Nithyanandaswamy Middle School  Sri Nithyanandaswamy High School  Sri Nithyanandaswamy Computer Course  Sri Nithyanandaswamy Industrial Training School  Smt. Nalini Raghunatha Rao PU College Kind of Education Provided?  Basic Literacy  Vocational Training

27 In addition to education does your group provide any other services to the children in your schools? [As written in proposal]  We conduct Free Medical Camps in all specialities and provide them Free Medical Care.  Those who cannot afford we provide them uniforms, books, fees etc.  There are some students who need food that also we take care.

28 Details of the school  Number of Male Students: 650  Number of Female Students: 850  Number of Teachers: 38[Minimum Qual: SSLC to Masters Degree]  Other Staff: 5  Avergae Distance Student need to travel to attend your scgool: 5-7 Kms  Nearly 7100 students have passed out in the last 5 years and they have become good citizens of the country.

29 Details of School Contd..  Number of Classrooms: 18# RCC and 11 # tile roof.  We help the depriving the students after they have passed at our school through philantrohists.  There is a Govt primary and middle school which has 650 students. Difference in education: Dedication of teachers Involvement of trustees Student Discipline.  Conduct parent meeting every month. Discuss the interaction between the students and teachers.

30 Financial Details Receipts : Year 2005  Savings Bank Accnt 8922: 2,05,263.00  Savings Bank Accnt 3747: 11,710.00 --------------- 2,16,973.00  Donations : 12,13,890.00  Bank Interest : 22,170.00  Transfer Amount: : 6,48,000.00 -------------- 21,01,033.00

31 Financial Details Payments : Year 2005  Salary: 8,66,966.00  Misc Expense: 1,33,215.00  Telephone Charges: 565.00  Stationary and Xerox: 8,529.00  Audit Fee 5,650.00  Soil Test Fee 17,081.00  Building Construction: 3,10,000.00  Savings Bank Account8922:3,65,936.00  Savings Bank Account3747:3,993,091.00 --------------------- 21,01,033.00

32 What amount are you requesting from Asha?  Building[2005-06]: 11,63,000.00 [Approximate value for 5 rooms][26,735.00$]  For Salaries[`06-`07]: 6,00,000.00  Computer Lab[`07-`08]: 8,00,000.00  Furniture and Staff[`08-`09] :8,30,000.00  Auditorium[`09-10]: 25,60,500.00

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