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GPS # 2 – The student will trace the ways that the economy and society of British North America developed a)Explain the development of MERCANTILISM and.

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Presentation on theme: "GPS # 2 – The student will trace the ways that the economy and society of British North America developed a)Explain the development of MERCANTILISM and."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPS # 2 – The student will trace the ways that the economy and society of British North America developed a)Explain the development of MERCANTILISM and TRANS-ATLANTIC trade b)Describe the MIDDLE PASSAGE, growth of the African population, and African American culture c)Identify Benjamin Franklin as a symbol of social mobility and individualism. d)Explain the significance of the GREAT AWAKENING. British North America Susan Thornton Dublin High School

2 MERCANTILISM Each nation must acquire as much wealth as it can. Wealth should be reflected in bullion (gold and silver). Done by maintaining a favorable balance of trade. Countries had to spend less, but acquire more.

3 MERCANTILISM, cont. Role of North American colonies was to: Provide raw materials to England Purchase finished goods from England. Role of England: Turn raw materials into finished manufactured goods to sell. Sell these manufactured goods at a higher price than what they paid for the raw materials. = PROFIT!!!

4 Trans-Atlantic Trade The trading of goods, products and slaves across the Atlantic Ocean. Slaves traded for guns and finished goods (guns, rum, clothes, trinkets) Slaves traded along the Middle Passage – called this because it was the middle leg of the Triangular Trade.

5 Conditions of the MIDDLE PASSAGE Journey could take months No sanitation Poor food Many died from disease and starvation. Cruel Punishments

6 SLAVERY in the Americas Most slaves ended up in the Southern Colonies (agriculture) Produced cotton, rice, indigo, tobacco Slave population: 1790 = 760,000 1860 = 4.4 million First slaves came from all over Africa & brought with them different cultures and languages.

7 Maintaining African Culture Slaves passed down stories through oral tradition. Played music according to African traditions. Practiced traditional dances. Developed new languages like “Gullah” found along the coasts of South Carolina & Georgia

8 Benjamin Franklin Born into a family of 17 children Family was poor (father was a candle maker) Became an printer’s apprentice at the age of 12. On his own at the age of 17. Rose to greatness on his own, self-educated, great inventor, and one of the “founding fathers.” Signed the Declaration of Independence Helped to form the Constitution. Became one of the world’s leading authors, philosophers, scientists, inventors, and politicians An example of individualism & social mobility

9 “Great Awakening”– A Religious Revival Christian worship began to change in the 1730s -1740s. A religious revival swept through the colonies. Ministers began to preach that all people were guilty of sin and needed to repent. Only way to achieve salvation and the peace, & love of God was through public repentance of their sin. Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

10 Effects of the “Great Awakening” Turned people away from the materialistic world. (short term) Christianity grew, but established denominations lost some members to a new way of worship. Some people believed the colonies needed to break away from England to keep its religion pure.

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