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Preparing for Self Financing Not Long Left….. Joe Logan Chief Executive Poole Housing Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Self Financing Not Long Left….. Joe Logan Chief Executive Poole Housing Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Self Financing Not Long Left….. Joe Logan Chief Executive Poole Housing Partnership

2 Poole Background  5,200 homes  ALMO since 2004  Management Agreement expires in March 2014  Achieved Decent Homes December 2010  High housing cost; low wage economy

3 Stock Options Appraisal  Began in 2009  ALMO brought back in house “not an option”  Twin strategic objectives; existing stock and regeneration  ALMO retention and Stock Transfer main options  Self-financing process intervened  Self-financing presents short term funding problems –Meets needs of existing stock over the 30 year plan but… –Does not support regeneration of existing stock

4 Poole’s HRA Debt Position Additional Debt Payment to the Government - £44M £44M £90M Headroom - £4M to Govt's assumed Subsidy Debt £4M Actual HRA Debt - £42M £42M £46M

5 Self Financing Offer as it now stands

6 So…..  5 years’ investment to be spread over 10 years  Revenue contributions to capital increased –Service charges reviewed –Garage rents increased –Efficiency savings  Begin repaying debt at Year 18  Debt could be cleared at Year 29 So, from Year 18, there is the potential to raise capital

7 Self Financing Offer – Balanced Programme Work is underway to achieve this Self Financing Offer – Balanced Programme Work is underway to achieve this

8 Closing the finance gap  Reviewing component longevity on Stock Condition database  Holding back on a range of planned works  Reducing contingency funds  Efficiency savings: increased revenue contributions to capital  Income from external sources –Grant funding –Supporting other organisations –Non-housing contracts –Creating new income streams e.g. Feed in tariff

9 Closing the finance gap

10 Photo-voltaic scheme  Reduces fuel poverty  Stops 32,500 tons of carbon emissions over 25 years  1,300 PHP homes to be covered  Provides local employment  Creates a surplus of £15 Million for HRA  Purchasing through North Somerset Housing Steve Drew ( Steve Drew; Director of Assets Tel: 01275-398020

11 HRA DEBT POSITION Additional Debt Payment to the Government - £44M £44M £100M Headroom (Now Borrowed) - £4M to Govt's assumed Subsidy Debt £4M Actual HRA Debt (Now includes the £10M borrowed for PV) - £52M £52M £56M

12 A Quality Stock Condition Database In Poole  Carried out in house  Over 50% of stock with full condition survey  98% partial surveys  100% non-housing assets surveyed  Periodic external quality control It needs to be dependable!

13 Preparing for Self-Financing in Poole  Governance – Joint Council/ALMO Working Party  HRA remains managed by ALMO/Resident scrutiny  Debt split into General Fund and HRA pools  Short term internal borrowing  Short, medium and long term loans  Depreciation – Using CIPFA Component Accounting Method

14 What are the main risks?  The final settlement could be worse than the offer  Future above-inflation rent increases  Benefits changes and benefits paid direct  Right to Buy increases  Government ability to open up settlement  Building cost inflation  Depreciation calculation  IFRS/Impairment

15 Big Challenges  First 10 years will be tight  No opportunity for regeneration  Urgent need for more affordable housing  Brownfield sites gone  Poole’s economy increasingly dependant on affordable housing

16 What is the NFA doing?  Survey of all ALMOs  Sessions on Self Financing at Annual Conference  Guidance notes being circulated for ALMOs  ALMOs sharing best practice with each other  Working with CWAG, LGA, CIH  Resident/Board training events  Exploring Community Ownerships models

17 and remember….  Rent and other income will be the only long-term income resources for the HRA business plan  The first priority: existing debt  The second priority: properties are maintained to raise income and cover debt  The third priority: service delivery  …and maximising income must also be a priority; rent, service charges, financial inclusion support for residents, other income streams

18 and finally….. Self-financing was the sector’s idea. Enables long term planning. It is not without challenge, but it is better than the current subsidy system.

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