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Lesson 2 3 Worlds Meet. The First Europeans To get from Europe to Asia took a long time A man named Christopher Columbus wanted to find a shorter route.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2 3 Worlds Meet. The First Europeans To get from Europe to Asia took a long time A man named Christopher Columbus wanted to find a shorter route."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2 3 Worlds Meet

2 The First Europeans To get from Europe to Asia took a long time A man named Christopher Columbus wanted to find a shorter route In 1492-he took 3 ships and sailed west! When he landed he was no longer in Asia but on an island in the Caribbean Sea IT WAS A MISTAKE TO FIND THE US!!!!


4 Here is where it all happens FOLKS!! The Europeans began to show the Indians horses, oranges, etc The Indians showed them chocolate, tomatoes, and popcorn BUT….this was not as pleasant as it sounds 

5 WHY you ask??? The Europeans took over the Natives land The Indians had no immunity for diseases and died Many Africans were brought here against their will- SLAVERY

6 The Spanish and French in North America The first people to really explore NA was from Spain They really thought they would find gold and riches Priest came to talk about religion and form missions or groups

7 The French had plans too To explore N. A and hoped to find a path from the Great Lakes to Asia They were also looking for gold and fur They settled in a huge piece of land and claimed it

8 There’s more groups wanting in!!! English and Dutch people wanted a part Came to make mula-money that is by trading fur


10 What did they want? LAND So here we have the English, French, Dutch, and Spanish wanting LAND! But who was there first????? – So you can imagine the frustration and anger

11 Now What??? WAR of course! – The French and Indian war begins!! This was a war between the French and Indian people vs. English people Who do you think won?? ENGLISH!



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