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Health and Safety Dr. Julie Bonner Norris Health Center Director Michael Marzion UWM Police Chief Sarah Belstock Campus AODA Coordinator Norris Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Dr. Julie Bonner Norris Health Center Director Michael Marzion UWM Police Chief Sarah Belstock Campus AODA Coordinator Norris Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Dr. Julie Bonner Norris Health Center Director Michael Marzion UWM Police Chief Sarah Belstock Campus AODA Coordinator Norris Health Center AODA/Mental Health Outreach Coordinator

2 UWM students tell us that the following affected their academic performance… Stress Sleep difficulties Cold/ Flu/ Sore Throat Depression/ Anxiety/ SAD Relationship Difficulty Concern for troubled friend/family

3 Norris Health Center

4 Our Mission is… Contributing to students academic and personal success by assisting them in identifying, understanding and responding to health issues through service delivery and outreach Support UWM campus community through collaborative partnerships in health

5 Services Medical Services Mental Health Services Health Promotion and Wellness On-site Pharmacy On-site Laboratory Services

6 Medical Services Annual well women exams STD screening Upper Respiratory Illnesses Orthopedic injuries Dermatology Asthma, migraines, and other common chronic illnesses

7 Counseling and Consultation Services The “top 4” problems we counsel students for are … 1. depression 2. anxiety 3. phase of life issues 4. relationship issues

8 Counseling and Consultation Services Short-term services available on campus : Individual counseling Couples or relationship counseling Alcohol and drug counseling Eating disorder screening/treatment Crisis intervention Psychiatry Services

9 Students turn to the support of friends and family when in emotional distress. Signs of emotional distress may include: Lack of enthusiasm about various aspects of student life Withdrawal from activities or friends Grade problems Significant changes in sleep or eating patterns Persistent depressed or anxious mood

10 Health Promotion and Wellness Services Immunization Clinics (Seasonal and H1N1 influenza, meningitis) Alcohol and other drug education Mental health outreach/training for students/staff Tobacco cessation and campus tobacco policy Healthy nutrition and exercise Health behavior assessment Peer Health Advocates Program collaboration with other UWM departments

11 Health Insurance Highly recommended Without insurance, limited resources in Milwaukee for services Insurance available through UWM Student Assurances - Coverage dates 8/5/10-8/4/2011 Cost $1,485 for students ages 0-29 Additional details available at insurance and Norris web site

12 Health Care Access Norris is open weekdays 8 – 4:45 pm ( Friday opens at 9 am) Nearby urgent care and convenience care centers are available for evenings and weekends Nearest emergency facility is Columbia St. Mary’s Milwaukee ( moving in October 2010) Milwaukee County Crisis Line is available 24/7 at 414-257-7222 for mental health emergencies Mayo Nurse Advice Line accessible to students covered by the UW-System health insurance plan

13 Help your student come to campus prepared to take charge of their physical and emotional well-being. Develop an action plan for : when they have a minor illness or injury when they feel stressed if they have an immediate need involving a chronic illness if they have a medical emergency In advance work with your student, their established providers and your health insurance.

14 Campus Partners Dean of Student’s office Residential Life Women’s Resource Center Recreational Sports Student Accessibility Center University Safety and Assurances Behavior Review Team UWM Police

15 UWM Police Department 40 Police Officers Detective Bureau 24/7 Dispatch Center On campus security officers SAFE Officers in neighborhoods

16 Safety Service Security Protection UW-Milwaukee Police Department Located at the base of West Tower in Sandburg Hall Recommend that students program their cell phones with these numbers: 414-229-4627 (Non-Emergency) 414-229-9911 (Emergency) 414-229-6503 (BOSS Van Service)

17 Personal Safety Services Personal Escorts Self-Defense Training Alcohol Awareness Education Website crime reporting/Facebook

18 Personal Safety Resources S.A.F.E Phones S.A.F.E Patrols S.A.F.E Alerts Signup available at the campus safety table today Be On the Safe Side (BOSS) Available 6:00pm-2:00am

19 Personal Safety Tips Be Aware/Alert Be Prepared Travel in groups Lock Up Valuables

20 Other Services DMV License Plate Renewal Assistance With Vehicle Lock Outs Jumper Cables and Jumper Battery Packs Operation Identification (an engraver available to mark property) Bike Registration

21 Alcohol and Other Drugs: A Personal Safety Concern 77% of UWM students are current alcohol users Alcohol and other drug use dramatically increases the risk of being a victim or perpetrator of violence or assault Tickets for underage drinking, using a fake id, hosting an illegal tavern, possessing drugs or drug paraphernalia, and other related charges are costly, and they can and will affect a students’ future

22 Alcohol/Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program UWM aims to provide students with the information and skills necessary to make healthy decisions with regards to substance use via: Interventions targeting at-risk individuals e.g. Program for self-referred or mandated individuals; Counseling services Programs targeting the student body as a whole e.g. Dissemination of educational materials; Educational outreach and training programs Initiatives targeting the college and surrounding community e.g. Information and resources for families; engagement of faculty/staff

23 Alcohol/Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program Helping students make healthy decisions with regards to alcohol or other drugs: Family members can have a powerful influence on the substance-related behaviors of college students Talk with your student about alcohol and other drugs both before and throughout their college careers

24 Alcohol-Wise Interactive online alcohol education program for incoming students 60 minute interactive education program, to be completed by 9/1/10 Brief follow-up administered on 10/1/10 The majority of last year’s incoming class felt that Alcohol-Wise was interesting, useful, and would help them avoid future problems related to alcohol use. Participants display: increased knowledge of alcohol and its potential impacts increased understanding of the connection between alcohol use and academic success Increased understanding of the impact of alcohol use on the campus community Increased adoption of protective behaviors

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