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Grey Literature, Institutional Repositories and the Organisational Context Simon Lambert, Brian Matthews & Catherine Jones Business & Information Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Grey Literature, Institutional Repositories and the Organisational Context Simon Lambert, Brian Matthews & Catherine Jones Business & Information Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grey Literature, Institutional Repositories and the Organisational Context Simon Lambert, Brian Matthews & Catherine Jones Business & Information Technology Department CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UK

2 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20052 Introduction to the context CCLRC: one of Europes largest multidisciplinary research organisations supporting scientists and engineers world-wide. –Operation and development of experimental facilities –Research by staff and visitors –Collaborative projects, sometimes very large scale

3 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20053 The processes at work The research process The project process (business process) Also: the digital curation process; the publication process Submit proposal Prepare experiment Generate results Analyse results Write report Submit proposal Identify risks Plan stages Monitor progress Report progress Write report

4 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20054 How the processes interlock Shared information –The organisational context –Matching activities in parallel processes Grey literature is key –Records the progress of the processes –A memory of the work of the organisation –Stored (partly) in an institutional repository –GL itself maintained via reconciliation with other systems

5 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20055 The role of grey literature Each activity in the processes is associated with the production and consumption of grey literature –Plans –Deliverables –Technical Reports –Formal project management documents –… Data generated in science is also GL –Need to maintain metadata –Establish links to publications

6 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20056 Reclaiming Technical Reports CCLRC has built up detailed and specialised technical knowledge from development of facilities. –This knowledge has a long useful life. But now less incentive to produce formal printed reports. –The format is in decline. Grey versions of the material are produced. –Potential problems of limited dissemination and uncertain recovery –Also of version control The CCLRC institutional repository (e-Pubs) can help to make this material visible and managed.

7 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20057 Scope for integration of the IR Links with other business systems –Personnel systems –Financial systems –Project management/monitoring systems –Security infrastructure

8 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20058 Integration of the IR IR Corporate Data Repository Project monitoring systems Data Portal eID Science Data Webs Personnel and organisation Data Project Management data Authentication and Authorisation External publicity and Reports Business Process System

9 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 20059 Benefits of integration Accuracy of information –E.g. allocation of publications to individuals Quality Control –Can ensure that all necessary stages are met –Can be placed within a ISO 9000 context Efficiency of metadata collection –E.g. collect metadata at application stage and trace through Adherence to policies and procedures –E.g. approval processes for paper submission Traceability and accounting –Science output can be traced and recorded to individuals and projects –Research Assessment Exercise and annual report generation

10 GL7 Conference, Nancy, 5–6 December 200510 The role of the institutional repository The IR is a support for integration –A central point within the organisation for literature and data –Stores multiple manifestations for the different parts of the process Brings clarity to work and version relationships –GL can be recorded and retrieved according to accurate and up to date personnel, project and business unit structure IR integrated as part of the institutional memory

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