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Group of people% people with lactose intolerance Americans of European descent 12% African Americans75% Native Americans100% Mexican Americans 55% English10%

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Presentation on theme: "Group of people% people with lactose intolerance Americans of European descent 12% African Americans75% Native Americans100% Mexican Americans 55% English10%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group of people% people with lactose intolerance Americans of European descent 12% African Americans75% Native Americans100% Mexican Americans 55% English10% Greeks50% Asian Americans95%

2 Most people in the world…most mammals in the world… stop making this protein after they are weaned. Why?

3 JasonMomTricia Why does Jason have none of this protein? Why do Mom and Tricia have less lactase? Gel electrophoresis: Lactase samples from 4 people Joel Number of amino acids Origin 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

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