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Getting Rural Virginia Connected: a Vision for Louisa County An Initiative of the Technologies Opportunities Program (TOP) Prepared by: Jon F. Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Rural Virginia Connected: a Vision for Louisa County An Initiative of the Technologies Opportunities Program (TOP) Prepared by: Jon F. Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Rural Virginia Connected: a Vision for Louisa County An Initiative of the Technologies Opportunities Program (TOP) Prepared by: Jon F. Johnson Extension Area Specialist Community Technology Development Contributions: Connie S. Laws Extension Agent, Louisa County

2 Getting Rural Virginia Connected -an Initiative of the TOP Grant  US Department of Commerce  Virginia Cooperative Extension  The Electronic Village of Virginia Tech and Blacksburg, Virginia (BEV)  The contributions of nine rural counties across the Commonwealth

3 The Community Network LEV – the Louisa Electronic Village  Provide leaders and citizens with tools to help their community be a vibrant and more desirable place to live, work, and play  Build capacities in communities to take control of and use technology effectively  Improve local economic conditions while including citizens in the decision-making process  Managed by the volunteers of the Louisa Technology Leadership Team (TLT)

4 Features of LEV for Connecting the People of Louisa County…  E-mail accounts and a list serve  Discussion forums for online civic dialogue  Interactive calendars  Interactive directories for business, residents, civic groups, and the arts  Educational workshops and ongoing training  Virtual business incubator program for home- based and small businesses including web hosting and design assistance

5 Possible Outcomes from LEV  Increased attendance at public meetings  Increased Internet use by citizens driving demand for better infrastructure  A grassroots technology plan for Louisa County to address infrastructural needs for business and civic growth

6 Possible Outcomes from LEV (2)  Community network with continued local content management  Continued utilization of technology and enhanced skills shared by all citizens for better trained workforce  A “wired” community is more attractive to all business as technology becomes more prevalent

7 Possible Outcomes from LEV (3)  New home-based and small business start-ups selling through the Internet  Greater capacity to receive other grants  Planning for regional technology corridors linking multiple communities (i.e. e- corridors project)

8 Why will citizens use the Louisa Electronic Village?  Grassroots initiative with countywide ownership  Unbiased, objective, non-commercial, citizen-designed and volunteer-led venture  Promotes community pride, citizenship and computer literacy  Incorporates educational workshops and other on-going training for computer and infrastructural literacy

9 Louisa Electronic Village (LEV) http:\\ Username: louisa Password: lpass

10 Resources

11 Coming May 23, 2003!

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