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Constitution & Bylaws Change Recommendations Submitted by Melissa Emery Executive Vice President July 30-31, 2006 Marriott Hotel Albuquerque, New Mexico,

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Presentation on theme: "Constitution & Bylaws Change Recommendations Submitted by Melissa Emery Executive Vice President July 30-31, 2006 Marriott Hotel Albuquerque, New Mexico,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitution & Bylaws Change Recommendations Submitted by Melissa Emery Executive Vice President July 30-31, 2006 Marriott Hotel Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.

2 August 20062 Recommendation 1: –Constitution Editorial changes See handout –By-Laws Editorial changes See handout

3 August 20063 Recommendation 2: –Constitution Missing? Petition Requirements/process Identification of corporate membership –By-Laws Missing? none

4 August 20064 Recommendation 3: –Conflicts Biannual/biennial meetings Email process (voting, announcements, etc.) Professional member Schedule for Dues/Fees Awards (Article V) Committees verses directors

5 August 20065 Proposed change for consideration –From : Cont 6.1 There shall be a biennial business meeting of the Society as close as possible to the end of each odd numbered Society Year at a date, time, and place to be determined by the Executive Council. Business transacted shall include, but not be limited to the formal installation of newly elected Officers and Directors, a report on the activities of the Society, a statement of the financial position of the Society for the preceding two years, and the release of the membership roster. The biennial report shall be included as part of the minutes of the meeting and a summary published for distribution to the membership. Notice of the biennial business meeting shall be mailed to all voting members of the Society at least 30 days prior to the selected date.

6 August 20066 Proposed change for consideration –To: Cont 6.1 There shall be an annual business meeting of the Society as close as possible to the end of each odd numbered Society Year at a date, time, and place to be determined by the Executive Council. Business transacted shall include, but not be limited to the formal installation of newly elected Officers and Directors, a report on the activities of the Society, a statement of the financial position of the Society for the preceding year, and the release of the membership roster. The annual report shall be included as part of the minutes of the meeting and a summary published for distribution to the membership. Notice of the annual business meeting shall be mailed or emailed to all voting members of the Society at least 30 days prior to the selected date. –Others?

7 August 20067 Proposed change for consideration –From Cont 6.2: Not less than six official meetings called by the President or Executive Vice- President shall be held each year by the Executive Council. A quorum for these meetings shall consist of five Directors or Officers or by members holding specified written proxies. Notification of these Executive Council meetings shall be made to all Executive Council members not less than 30 days in advance.

8 August 20068 Proposed change for consideration –To Cont 6.2: Official meetings shall be called by the President or Executive Vice-President as needed to discuss and vote on submitted motions. The motion will be mailed or emailed to the entire EC for discussion. The discussion period will be and noted as such in the mail or email. A second notification by mail or email will be sent to the entire EC for motion vote which must be approved by 2/3 majority of the EC.

9 August 20069 Proposed change for consideration –From Bylaw 6.1:The Dues and Fees for the various grades and cate­gories of individuals and organizations affiliated with the Society are as follows: –Category Application Fee Annual Dues Member$ 20.00$ 65.00Senior Member$ 35.00$ 65.00Fellow$ 45.00$ 65.00Affiliate$ 20.00$ 65.00Member EmeritusN/AN/AHonorary MemberN/AN/AStudent$ 10.00$ 35.00Foreign Member$ 20.00$ 75.00Corporate MemberN/A$ 500.00 –Reinstatement: 3 months - 3 years $5.00 If over a 3 year lapse: Full fee

10 August 200610 Proposed change for consideration –To Bylaw 6.1:The Dues and Fees for the various grades and cate­gories of individuals and organizations affiliated with the Society are approved by the EC.

11 August 200611 Operations manual assignments –Section 1: Melissa –Section 2: Russ/Steve Mattern –Section 3: Melissa –Section 4: John Livingston –Section 5: Larry/John –Section 6: Jerry Banister –Section 7: Larry/Cathy –Section 8: Jon D –Section 9: Larry –Section 10: Mary Caro –Section 11: Steve Mattern –Section 12- 16: Larry/Melissa

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