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Frank’s Story.

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1 Frank’s Story

2 The Holocaust The Holocaust is the name given to Nazi Germany’s plan to kill every Jewish person in Europe at first simply limiting their rights later shooting them and forcing them into Ghettos and finally the six death camps constructed in the final years of the war which involved industrially killing the Jews by marching them into showers which were actually Gas Chambers, using them as test subjects or locking them into vans which had the exhaust pipe connected to the sealed inside.

3 On Frank’s first day of school he had to attend one of Hitler's Jewish Schools because he was not allowed to attend an Aryan school. His parents gave him a cone of sweets to make up for his first day away from Home. Frank’s uncle had died in the German navy and his father has fought for Germanys ally the Austro-Hungarian Empire but this didn't stop Hitler persecuting them and other Jewish families with similar circumstances. Frank was five years old when Hitler became Chancellor and was seven when Hitler became Fuhrer immediately after this point Hitler began to persecute the Jews. Frank was born as Franz Brichta on the 7th October In Berlin where his mother was born, whilst his father was from Moravia (Czechoslovakia)

4 Jews faced the same restrictions in Czechoslovakia as in Germany and the Nazis quickly confiscated everything from musical instruments to shares. Theresienstadt was supposed to be a model camp it was even used as propaganda to show that Jews were living in good conditions the Nazis planned the route the Red cross would take and painted the houses along the route to make them look new. They also had a band playing in the park especially for the inspection and the SS commander gave children chocolate they had to say “Chocolate again, Uncle Rahm”. As a result the Red Cross gave it a glowing report. In June 1938 Frank and his parents moved to Prague to try and escape persecution by the Nazi’s. It didn't last long in September the same year, Hitler was given control of Sudeten and the rest of Czechoslovakia fell soon after. Frank was one of the last to be sent to the Ghetto in July 1943 him and his parents where moved to the Ghetto an old fortress town 60Km outside of Prague For several years Frank continued to attend the Jewish school until 1942 when people from Franks began to be moved to Theresienstadt Ghetto. T

5 On the 20th January 1942 Nazi leaders representing every branch of government met in Swansea a Berlin suburb and planned the Final solution an industrial method of wiping out the Jews so six death camps were built away from populated areas to try and keep them secret. Like the other people in the ghetto Frank was transported to Auschwitz with his mother his father was sent ahead two weeks before and was already dead when Frank arrived. People in the Ghetto didn't stay their long most were sent east to the camps in Russia and Poland only three children from Franks class survived in the Ghetto until the end of the war. Bedbugs were also a problem they were bloodsucking insects like leeches that often fed from several different victims which further spread disease, Houses which had a particularly bad infestation were cleared with Zyklon-B which was later used in Gas Chambers. In the Ghettos overcrowding was a massive problem a space designed for maybe ten soldiers was occupied by between sixty and seventy people this caused diseases to spread rapidly Typhus in particular. Frank was certain one of the Nazis first constructions were gallows a man in his block was hanged for sending a postcard. Any people too old or weak for work were given starvation rations and as a result died within a few weeks of arriving.

6 Frank was sent to Friedland a branch of the much larger camp Gross-Rosen to work in a propeller factory for a German firm. He remained their until the war ended seven months later When Frank and his mother arrived at Auschwitz his mother was sent to the gas chambers whilst he was selected to work his mother left her place in line to say goodbye as though she knew what was happening. The people who did return had nothing their homes had been emptied of everything by the Germans the survivers were homeless. When he was finally freed he had developed tuberculosis in his left lung and many others blood poisoning which developed complications and killed them of the 38 children in the photograph Frank could trace only nine of them had survived.

7 The Aftermath Before Allied soldiers reached camps the Germans would often march the prisoners on the “death marches” to other camps making them even more crowded forcing conditions to plummet to an all time low. For many of the inmates Liberation by allied troops brought little joy in Franks case he said in an interview with the Telegraph he wasn't equipped to deal with freedom he had been four and a half when Hitler came to power and he had been told what to do as far back as he could remember.

8 Allied units made German citizens endure conditions in the camps at Bergen-Belsen as well as many others they showed the civilians a truckload of bodies before being imprisoned. Many Jews freed from the camps emigrated to the new state of Israel created by the Allies (it was under British Mandate) which still didn't give them peace, Israel fought several wars against their Arabic neighbours problems in West Bank which is under Israeli military control continue to this day.

9 “For the greatest part of the liberated Jews, there was no ecstasy, We had lost our families, our homes. We had no place to go, nobody to hug. We had been liberated from death and the fear of death, but not from the fear of life”- Unidentified Survivor. “Whatever you may suffer, it will not be one-hundredth part of what these poor people endured”- A British colonel whilst addressing a group of German civilians who were being interred in Bergen-Belsen.

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