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Reducing the road toll. Brainstorm Speeding Fatigue Drink Driving Drug Driving Distractions Restraints  Draw a mindmap into your books  What are the.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing the road toll. Brainstorm Speeding Fatigue Drink Driving Drug Driving Distractions Restraints  Draw a mindmap into your books  What are the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing the road toll

2 Brainstorm Speeding Fatigue Drink Driving Drug Driving Distractions Restraints  Draw a mindmap into your books  What are the major causes/contributors of accidents and death on our roads?

3 Summary data for 2012  ics/index.html ics/index.html

4 Random Breath Testing (RBT)  Random breath testing was introduced in NSW in 1982 as a means of enforcing the legal BAC driving limits of 0.05 and 0.02.  The tests are conducted randomly by police officers  A BAC reading is also taken at traffic accidents where there is an injury and from anyone who has committed a traffic offence.

5 Radar and Speed Cameras  Radar units are used by police to check the speed of motorists on our roads. They were introduced in 1986.  KR radar units are mobile units that can be used to check speeds while the police vehicle is either stationary or moving.

6 Safety Cameras  New safety cameras are being introduced to make intersections safer by enforcing both speeding and red-light offences.  The purpose of safety cameras is to reduce the number of crashes at traffic lights.

7 Drug testing  Police now have the power to randomly test drivers for the presence of drugs.  They can test for three illegal drugs  See drug driving brochure

8 Campaigns  Are used to engage and help change unsafe behavior on our roads, the Centre for Road Safety carefully develops education and awareness campaigns.  ex.html

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