Self and Peer Editing Persuasive Research Essay. Self Editing  What questions do you have about your essay? What do you know you need to work on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Self and Peer Editing Persuasive Research Essay. Self Editing  What questions do you have about your essay? What do you know you need to work on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self and Peer Editing Persuasive Research Essay

2 Self Editing  What questions do you have about your essay? What do you know you need to work on the most?  Name three things you would like your partner to check for you.

3 Introduction 1. Introduction  A. Does the introduction begin with an effective attention getter? What makes the attention getter effective? Place a box around it.  B. Is the thesis general or three part? Underline it.  C. What is the subject of the essay?  D. What is the writer’s opinion on this subject?  E. How many sentences is the introduction? (Should be at least five!)

4 Body Paragraphs 2. Body Paragraphs  A. Underline the topic sentence of the body paragraph.  B. What transitions word/phrase does the author use? Copy it here.  C. Place brackets around the author’s evidence from their research.  D. Does the author use parenthetical citations for his/her research? Copy them here.  E. How many sentences is the paragraph? (Should be at least five!)

5 Con Paragraph 3. Con Paragraph  A. Does the author have a paragraph that acknowledges their opposition?  B. Does this paragraph relate to the author’s thesis? How so?  C. Does the author effectively prove the opposition’s point wrong? How so?  D. What does the author need to fix/revise in his/her “con” paragraph?

6 Quotations/Paraphrasing 4. Quotations/Paraphrasing  A. Does the author have at least four quotations throughout his/her paper? Highlight them.  B. Do the quotations “flow” with the author’s writing? How/why?  C. Does the author’s evidence (paraphrased research and quotations) relate to his/her thesis? How?  D. Does any of the author’s evidence seem off topic? How/why?

7 5. Conclusion  A. Does the author refer back to his/her thesis in the conclusion? Underline it?  B. Is the thesis stated in different words?  C. Does the author refer back to his/her hook? Place a box around it.  D. Does the author end with a call to action or other effective finishing thought? Highlight it.

8 Citations 6. Citations  A. Circle any and all parenthetical citations.  B. Does the author have four different citations?  C. Does the author have a works cited page? Does it look like the example?  D. What needs to be changed/added in order for the author to earn full credit on his/her citations/works cited grade?

9  Did you answer your author’s questions in the editing process?  If not, answer them now!

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