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NCTeach Super Saturday: Workshop for Math Teachers Saturday, September 10, 2011 Holly Hood Math Teacher – Cary High School.

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Presentation on theme: "NCTeach Super Saturday: Workshop for Math Teachers Saturday, September 10, 2011 Holly Hood Math Teacher – Cary High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCTeach Super Saturday: Workshop for Math Teachers Saturday, September 10, 2011 Holly Hood Math Teacher – Cary High School

2 Agenda Introductions Learning Styles – for Math Intelligence Types Differentiation in Instruction First Year Teaching Challenges Help at Your Fingertips Closure

3 Introductions Name What did you do before teaching? If teaching, where and what subject? Key concern(s) for first year of teaching

4 Objectives At the end of this workshop, participants can Describe and apply a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction for math. Describe and apply a variety of strategies to address first-year teaching challenges. Find and access on-line resources for math instruction.

5 Learning Styles – in Math Active - Reflective Discussion- Think about it first Problem Solving- Reflect on what you learned Sensing - Intuitive Process- Concept Real world- Innovative Visual - Verbal Pictures, diagrams- Words Flow charts- “talk it out” Sequential - Global Logical steps- Big picture grasping Work it out- Just “get it”

6 Gardner’s Intelligence Types: Math Verbal Thinking Literacy – get them thinking and writing! (Yes, even in math class!) Logical/Mathematical Thinking Need I say more? Spatial Skills Build in 3-D, angles in a dream-catcher, … Bodily-Kinesthetic Skills Get them moving… Do a lab! Musical Skills Rap, sing, dance, rhythm Insightful Skills for Self-Understanding What did I do wrong? How can I do this better? Insightful Skills for Analyzing Others What did the teacher do wrong? What is an easier way? Naturalist Skills How does nature/science use math?

7 Differentiating For Learning Style For Intelligence Type For Challenges and Disabilities Academic Language Physical In Lesson Plans In Assessments

8 Question to Ponder Put the following in the correct order for lesson development: Learning Assessment Lesson Content Lesson Objectives Is the order the same for lesson delivery?

9 Activity Break into groups of 3 or 4 Choose a math concept to teach Develop a lesson that differentiates for Learning style Intelligence Types Challenges and Disabilities Briefly describe your lesson and strategy for differentiation Opening(timing) Body(timing) Closing(timing) How will you assess learning (formative & summative)? Time: 20 minutes to prepare 5 minutes to present

10 Activity Debrief Timing Behavior expectations Written and verbal instructions Putting students in groups

11 First Year Challenges Time Management/ Burn-out Priorities Lesson Plans Assessments Flexibility!!! Resources Parents Non-teaching Duties How am I evaluated?

12 Helpful Links – You are not all alone! CURRICULUM SUPPORT (Examples and descriptions of each objective) Middle School Math: High School Math: Pacing guides can be found at instruction/resources/pacing_guides/math/index.html (MATH) The Success Series is located at instruction/resources/pacing_guides/math/index.html Another source of good instructional videos (short) High School EOC Testing can be found at Middle School Math Textbook Help can be found at Math people can find activities related to the standards at MATH STANDARD COURSE OF STUDIES can be found at for middles school and for high school. Wake County – CMAPP for most courses offers lesson plans, assessments, and activities Awesome teacher’s site – Mr. Fleming at Edgecombe Early College

13 Objectives At the end of this workshop, participants can Describe and apply a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction for math. Describe and apply a variety of strategies to address first-year teaching challenges. Find and access on-line resources for math instruction.

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