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Geographic features that shaped the identity of the United States US History.

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Presentation on theme: "Geographic features that shaped the identity of the United States US History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geographic features that shaped the identity of the United States US History

2 Size: 3,700,000 sq miles 4,000 mile border with Canada 1,900 mile border with Mexico

3 Mountain Ranges: Appalachian 1,500 miles long Runs from New England to Georgia and Alabama

4 Mountain Ranges: Rocky Mts. Northern New Mexico to Northern Canada. Continental Divide runs through the Rockies.

5 Rivers: Mississippi It runs north –south and the delta is very fertile for farming.

6 River Systems Delaware, Hudson, Connecticut and Potomac are shorter rivers located in the East Columbia and Colorado Rivers – west of the Rockies. Flow through desert and semi-arid lands on their way to the Pacific. Dams have been constructed

7 Great Lakes & Seaway Canal Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway and canals connect the Great Lakes to the Atlantic.

8 Great Plains: between the Rockies and Mississippi River. OHIO R. Valley OHIO RIVER VALLEY- Area that is extremely fertile along the river. Great PLAINS

9 Natural Resources Gold, silver – set off rushes to California and Alaska Petroleum, Gas – found in Texas, Louisiana, California and Alaska coal, copper, lead, zinc and uranium are all mined in the United States.

10 Geography cause differences NORTHERN COLONIES- Have a very DIVERSE economy based not only on farming but trade and manufacturing. SOUTHERN COLONIES- Based on the SINGLE CASH CROPS: tobacco, rice, & cotton for export. Used indentured servant then later slaves.

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