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Smooth Endoplasmic Reticum By Harmeet Singh,Mackenzy Bazile.

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Presentation on theme: "Smooth Endoplasmic Reticum By Harmeet Singh,Mackenzy Bazile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticum By Harmeet Singh,Mackenzy Bazile

2 THE LAYOUT The smooth ER is more tubular and its outer membrane surfaces have a smooth appearance. It is the primary site of phospholipid, steroid, and fatty acid metabolism

3 WHAT IT DOES They produce lipids specially steroids. Engage in detoxification in liver. Also build up peroxisomes(contains the reducing enzyme) and glyoxisomes(found in plants and also in filamentous fungi).

4 WHAT IS A PART OF it is a part of the animals body basically their skin but their are two types of these cells with are smooth or rough endoplasmic reticulum and it just make the them rough or smooth it also applies for plants.

5 HOW DOES IT WORK The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum has no bound ribosomes and does not apart of the of the protein synthesis, but the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is apart of the Cholesterol metabolism, Membrane synthesis, and the Detoxification.

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