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Translating Commitments Into Action Through Strategic Partnerships PFM REFORM ROADMAP: A STATUS REPORT 36th Annual National Convention “GACPA: Sustaining.

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Presentation on theme: "Translating Commitments Into Action Through Strategic Partnerships PFM REFORM ROADMAP: A STATUS REPORT 36th Annual National Convention “GACPA: Sustaining."— Presentation transcript:

1 Translating Commitments Into Action Through Strategic Partnerships PFM REFORM ROADMAP: A STATUS REPORT 36th Annual National Convention “GACPA: Sustaining Public Trust through Accountability, Credibility and Transparency" May 21 to 24, 2014


3 “kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap.” and leaves no one behind.... growth that benefits all

4 The two years that was….. …….Years 2010-2012



7 PFM Reform Roadmap  Master plan for improving the financial management system of the government  Jointly formulated and approved by fiscal oversight agencies (COA, DBM, DOF-BTr)

8 Defining the goals of the PFM Reform Roadmap Honest and effective governance – truly transparent, disciplined, and serving the interest of the country and its people. PFM Vision

9 Public Financial Management Results Framework Improved Service Delivery | Transparency | Fiscal Discipline | Allocation Efficiency | Operational Efficiency Systems & Process People & Organisations Policy Reform Outputs Reform Objectives 9  Accounting & Auditing Standards  Unified Accounts Code Structure  Performance Informed Budgeting  Contingent Liability Framework  Treasury Single Account  GIFMIS  Treasury Reporting and Monitoring System (TRAMS)  Comprehensive Human Resource Information System  PFM Competency Framework  Capacity Building  Change Management

10 GIFMIS Conceptual Design Comprehensive Human Resource Information System System for Liability Management Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS) Governance Structure: PFM Committee and Project Implementation Units PFM CompetencyAwareness Raising The Building Blocks SPENDING AGENCIES/LEGISLATIVE/CIVIL SOCIETY YEAR 2O12-PRESENT Financial Accounta- bility Reports (FARs) Accounting and Auditing Reforms Cash management - Treasury Single Account (TSA) Performance- Informed Budgeting (PIB) TSA Reporting System IT Systems Improvement Policy Reforms Systems and Processes People and Organization Learning & Development

11 Strategic Partnerships PFM Oversight Agencies Implementing Agencies Partner Agencies Legislative Development Partners Civil Society

12 Harmonized Accounts Classification  Unified Accounts Code Structure - A government-wide harmonized and single budgetary, treasury and accounting code classification system (DBM-DOF-COA Joint Circular No. 2013-1 dated 06 August 2013)  Easier identification, collection, aggregation, consolidation and reporting of all financial transactions  Common set of financial information to facilitate analysis and decision making  UACS Phase III  UACS Administration (Management and Maintenance)  UACS Help Desk  UACS Training and Education

13 Harmonized Financial Accountability Reporting Requirements of Oversight Agencies  Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (FARs) – accountability reports on appropriations, allotments, obligations, and disbursements (Joint COA-DBM Circular No. 2013-1 dated 15 March 2013)  Harmonized and rationalized to reduce number of financial reports and provide timely, reliable and accurate information

14 Accounting and Auditing Reforms  Twenty-five Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards & Twenty-four Philippine Public Sector Standards on Auditing  Aligned with international standards, concepts and best practices for accounting and auditing  Enhancing the quality and uniformity of auditing practice throughout the Philippines and strengthening public confidence in the auditing and assurance profession  Ensure transparent and comparable financial statements

15 Improved Treasury Cash Management Operations  Treasury Single Account  Administered by the Bureau of the Treasury  Maintained at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas  New TSA Framework for Collection  Transition from a float to a fee-based system of compensation  Banks to remit collections not later than 10am on the following day of clearing date  MOA signed among commercial banks, BIR/BOC and BTr in November 2013

16 Improved Treasury Cash Management Operations  TSA Reporting and Monitoring System (TRAMS)  Web based application that will track aggregate revenue of the TSA on a daily basis  Provide a consolidated view of revenue collection  Facilitate Modified Disbursement System until GIFMIS is implemented  Record and reconcile the revenues from the banks and revenue agencies  Treasury Single Account  Consolidation of the Accounts  No NGAs will be allowed to open a bank account without the approval of the DOF/BTr (per BSP Circular No. 811,s.2013 dated 13 September 2013)

17 Performance Informed Budgeting A set of integrated processes that aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public expenditure by linking resources to results making systematic use of performance information  A better understanding for oversight agencies of how agencies spend their money and what they achieve with it  Increasing government agencies’ ability to prioritize spending initiatives to get the best results for resources used  Information for legislators to hold Government to account for how they spend citizens’ money  Enabling the citizens (either directly or through civil society and the media) to see how government spends their money and hold them to account

18 GIFMIS Development  Government Integrated Financial Management Information System is an integrated IT solution that can collect and organize financial information in a central database  Procurement Ongoing  GIFMIS Conceptual Design adopted in 2012  GIFMIS Terms of Reference, Bidding Documents finalized in August 2013  Procurement started in August 16, 2013  Expected date of contract signing in July 2014  Goal: Harmonize and improve PFM business processes/ rules to facilitate analysis and decision making, and increase efficiency

19 Comprehensive Human Resource Information System  Procurement of CHRIS Solutions Provider in progress  Shortlisted 7 eligible bidders  Contract awarding – May 2014  Comprehensive Human Resource Information System is an integrated IT system encompassing the full cycle of HRM from recruitment and hiring to retirement  Objective:  Standard and improved management of HR system and business processes  Application of common controls and standards  Eliminate redundant data  Single source of information

20 Current Systems Improvement (in preparation for GIFMIS)  Online Submission of Budget Proposal (OSBP)  2014 Budget submitted online  Enhanced OSBP for 2015 Budget Submission  Budget Execution Documents Online  A web-based system to facilitate easier preparation and prompt submission of BEDs containing the agencies’ physical and financial plans and targets, and monthly disbursement program (NBC No. 550)  Implemented November 2013  Upgrading of eNGAs & eBudget  To incorporate PFM reforms such as PPSAS, RCA and UACS  Roll out June-December 2014

21 System for Liability Management  GOCC debt report templates completed  Development of the GOCC Monitoring System (GMS) is underway  Database build-up for the GOCC Monitoring System is on-going for the selected priority GOCCs/GFIs/SSIs  Establishment of a database of Government-Owned and -Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) to facilitate a centralized monitoring and management of guaranteed loans

22 Learning and Development  Training on the Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual (PGIAM)  Trained internal audit personnel from 74 agencies and GOCCs  Training on UACS and OSBPS  Trained Budget Officers of the different NGAs, Planning and Budget Officers of SUCs, and DBM technical staff from central and regional offices  Training on UACS and Budget Execution  Trained Bureau of Treasury, DBM and COA  Spending agencies starting in June

23 Awareness Raising  Communications  PFM Brand Book Completed  IEC Materials: Ongoing distribution of UACS, GIFMIS, TSA, CHRIS, LM, CB, PIB, AAR Project Briefs and FAQ flyers  Development of PFM posters – PFM Reform Roadmap, UACS and GIFMIS  Released seven (7) PFM Newsflash Articles to NGAs through DBM-TIS and DevComnet  PFM Annual Report  Production of AVPs  Completed: PFM Reform Roadmap and Champions, PFM Teasers and TSA  Ongoing: UACS

24 Development of PFM Competency Framework  Envisions a strong backbone consisting of PFM practitioners in spending and oversight agencies to sustain reforms toward transparency, accountability and results  Need to prepare staff to meet current roles and future PFM demands including GIFMIS  PFM Competency Framework is a holistic government approach to capacity development among oversight and spending agencies.  Competency development as a core strategy for building capacity and managing behavioral change  Addresses need for GOP competency-based training linked to performance management and career progression of 60,000 plus PFM practitioners

25 Awareness Raising  Social Media Initiatives  Overhauled existing PFM website as an information portal.  From January 2014 to date, we have about 6,000 engaged website users and 23,000 page views  Phase 2 of the website development is the PFM Intranet portal which serves as an online repository of documents for PFM staff and select NGAs  Social Media Accounts—Facebook, Twitter, You Tube-- are also up and running to engage a broader audience

26 Bottom line is outcomes NGA Performance contracts Now to 2016 Comprehensive Human Resource Information System Financial Accountability Reports PPSAs/ PPSSAs/ Revised CoA System for Liability Management “to be” business processes for the Treasury Single Account (TSA) Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS) Performance-Informed Budgeting (PIB) GIFMIS Conceptual Design Governance Structure: PFM Committee and Project Implementation Units PFM CompetencyAwareness & Training Foundation SPENDING AGENCIES/LEGISLATIVE/CIVIL SOCIETY Common PFM Policies & Rules PFM Manual Internal/ External Audit Performance Management Savings/ income rules AP- FIFO COA Audit used for decision making PFM Competency “PFM” Agency

27 Thank You

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