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Treatments. Therapy Defined Therapy: techniques to help people deal with psychological problems Focus on changing behavior Connected to theoretical perspectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Treatments. Therapy Defined Therapy: techniques to help people deal with psychological problems Focus on changing behavior Connected to theoretical perspectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treatments

2 Therapy Defined Therapy: techniques to help people deal with psychological problems Focus on changing behavior Connected to theoretical perspectives and beliefs about root of behavior

3 Providing Psychological Assistance  Psychotherapy: use of psychological principles/techniques to treat mental health disorders; assumes root is psychological  Biological therapy: use of medications or other medical interventions to treat problems; assumes root is biological

4 Who Is Qualified to Give Therapy? Clinical psychologists, licensed counselors, etc. Master’s degree is minimum Psychiatrists or other MDs are only professionals legally allowed to prescribe medication


6 Modern Psychoanalysis  Psychodynamic or short-term dynamic therapy  Addresses current problems rather than childhood issues  Short-term (no more than a few months) and effective  Not as effective for depression, schizophrenia, autism

7 Humanistic Therapy: Empathizing to Empower  Focuses on conscious actions taken to control behavior  Believe behavior driven by view of world and awareness of feelings  Clients are striving towards personal growth

8 Behavior Therapies: Learning Healthier Behaviors Behavior therapy focuses on changing current behaviors; also called behavior modification Behavioral perspective – behavior is result of environmental stimuli and consequences Two categories of treatment: classical conditioning and operant conditioning techniques

9 Social Cognitive Therapy Ellis’s Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET)  Rational emotive therapy: psychological problems stem from how people think about and interpret life events  Faulty or irrational beliefs are identified  Generally effective in treatment of depression and certain anxiety disorders

10 Beck’s Cognitive Therapy (CBT)  Distorted thinking (cognitive distortions) - negative automatic, thought patterns lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem  Less confrontational than RET; therapist and client work together to identify thought patterns, test validity of those, work on changing  Effective with depression, anxiety disorders, preventing relapses

11 Biomedical Treatment Medications used to treat mental health problems Not a cure, but can reduce symptoms Stabilizes symptoms so psychological issues can be addressed

12 Psychopharmacological treatments Antipsychotics – schizophrenia Antidepressants – SSRIs – depression and panic disorders Lithium – bipolar Antianxiety – anxiety and panic disorders

13 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)  Series of treatments; anesthesia and muscle relaxant given; volts passed through brain inducing seizure; quick, painless  Treatment of last resort for depressed patients

14 Lobotomy Operations that damage brain tissues in the frontal lobe to treat mental illness 50,000 performed in the U.S. (1935-1955) video

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