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Common Drugs. Quiz 1.What is the difference between substance abuse and illicit drug use? 2.What is the answer to question 2 in the section review? 3.What.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Drugs. Quiz 1.What is the difference between substance abuse and illicit drug use? 2.What is the answer to question 2 in the section review? 3.What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Drugs

2 Quiz 1.What is the difference between substance abuse and illicit drug use? 2.What is the answer to question 2 in the section review? 3.What is a tolerance? 4.What are the two types of dependence? 5.List 3 consequences of drug abuse.

3 Marijuana Cannabis plant leaves, buds, flowers are smoked for their intoxicating effects Mind altering effects –Releases dopamine in the brain causing a pleasure sensation –“Crash” when the drug wears off –Leads to development of dependence

4 Health Risks of Marijuana Hallucinations and paranoia Impaired short term memory Distorted sense of sight, touch, sound, time Heart and lung damage Weakened immunity Increased appetite Lowers male sperm count

5 Inhalants Substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to achieve mind altering effects Kill brain cells that will never be replaced Include glues, spray paints, gasoline and varnishes Permanent nervous system and brain damage

6 Steroids Synthetic substances that are similar to the male sex hormone Build up muscles but not tendons and ligaments –Injuries can occur Other side effects: –Mood swings –Impaired judgment –Legal consequences

7 Psychoactive Drugs – change the functioning of the central nervous system Four Main Groups of Psychoactive Drugs StimulantsDepressants OpiatesHallucinogens

8 Stimulants – speed up central nervous system Cocaine –Euphoric high followed by an emotional let down Regular use can lead to depression, fatigue and paranoia –Cardiac and respiratory problems Crack –Concentrated form of cocaine Extreme addiction –Causes heart rate and blood pressure to increase

9 Amphetamines –Stimulants used in prescription medicines to reduce fatigue, drowsiness and to suppress appetite –Irregular heart beat, paranoia, heart and blood vessel damage Methamphetamine –Made in makeshift labs, so it is uncertain what is in individual drugs Made of poisons –Short term feeling of euphoria, then depression


11 Meth

12 Depressants – slow down nervous system Barbiturates –Drugs that induce sleepiness –Reduce respiratory function –Used to counteract the effects of stimulants Tranquilizers –Reduce muscle activity –Withdrawal results in shaking, coma or death Rohypnol –Date rape drug –Victim wakes up with no recollection of what happened

13 Narcotics – drugs from opium plant Morphine –Blocks pain messages to the brain –Highly addictive Heroin –Processed from morphine –Users easily develop a tolerance –Depresses the central nervous system, slows breathing and pulse rate

14 Hallucinogens – alter moods, thoughts and senses PCP –Effects vary greatly from user to user –Destructive behavior LSD –Delusions, illusions, flashbacks –Convulsions, coma or death Ecstasy –Confusion and depression –Muscle breakdown

15 Stimulants

16 Depressants

17 Hallucinogens

18 Narcotics/ Opiates

19 Drug Testing: Yes or No? Drug abuse is shown to cause a variety of problems in society. Substance abuse costs employers $60 billion a year in decreased productivity, absenteeism and unintentional injuries. Athletes have unfairly used drugs to increase their performances. Students who use drugs are unfocused and have difficulty performing in school. In a paragraph discuss your opinions about drug testing in athletics, schools and the workplace. Give reasons for why you feel the way you do.

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