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4.03 Perform pre-sales activities to facilitate sales presentation.

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1 4.03 Perform pre-sales activities to facilitate sales presentation.

2 a. Define the following terms: prospect, prospecting, lead, referral, endless chain, center of influence, bird dogs, cold calls.  Prospect – a potential customer  Prospecting – looking for potential customers  Lead – someone interested in your product(s), synonym for “prospect”

3  Referral- a customer referred by another  Endless chain- one customer refers another who refers another who refers another…  Center of influence - a person recommending you to your target market. Usually this person has a lot of pull over the people that you want to meet and a recommendation from them is a hugely valuable utensil in your prospecting toolbox.  Bird dogs – point out the buying customers  Cold calls – contacting leads that have not expressed any interest in your products (phonebook)

4 b. Identify sources of prospects.  Employer’s customer list  Customer contacts with the company ▪ Online, Walk-ins, telephone calls, written letters, etc.  Purchased customer lists c. Explain which salespeople should prospect.  All sales people tasked with building sales business d. Describe how prospecting can help salespeople.  Increase contacts and sales

5 f. Describe methods of prospecting.  Endless chain, cold calling g. Explain how to construct a prospect list.  Keep track of contacts, build a database h. Describe how to use a prospect list.  Assign proper salesperson to make contact i. Explain the importance of maintaining accurate prospect lists.  Increase odds of completing a sale, decrease chances of annoying potential customers j. Demonstrate procedures for prospecting for customers.

6 5-88 5-89 a. Explain why salespeople need to qualify their prospects.  To know what products the customer is interested in buying b. Discuss reasons that some salespeople fail to qualify prospects.  Takes time and research c. Identify the criteria that prospects need to meet in order to be qualified  Interest in the product, means and willingness to buy, has the authority to buy d. Discuss steps a salesperson can take to qualify prospects prior to meeting with them.  Look at previous orders, read notes on prior contacts, send information forms that the customer fills out

7 e. Explain how to qualify a prospect’s need for a product.  Research and/or ask questions f. Describe how to qualify a prospect’s means and willingness to buy a product  budget, time to meet with salesperson, timing of sale, where are they in making a buying decision g. Discuss how to qualify a prospect’s authority to buy a product.  Ask assumptive questions, “At what level will the decision to buy our product be made?” h.Demonstrate how to qualify a prospect.

8 a. Explain why salespeople should conduct pre-visit research.  To better understand the needs and wants of the customer b. Identify factors about a prospect that are useful in sales situations.  What are his/her goals  What benefits are important to him/her c. Identify sources that provide company information that can be useful in sales situations.  Database, other suppliers, lower level employees of the client company

9 d. Describe how to use collected pre-visit research during a sale.  Prepare a presentation  Demonstrate how your product solves their problems and meets their needs e. Demonstrate how to conduct pre-visit research.  Look the company up on the internet  Check the financial records (publicly traded)  Make some calls or pre-visits

10 a. Explain benefits associated with booking appointments with prospective clients.  Client has set time aside to talk with you  You have a predetermined time schedule  The client will have prepared to meet with you b. Discuss the importance of the introduction when calling to set up a sales appointment.  The client must understand who you are and who you represent c. Describe what to include in the introduction when calling to set up a sales appointment.  Your name, the company’s name and the products you will be presenting.  Primary and secondary dates and times  Confirm with whom you will be meeting

11 d. Explain factors that influence what to say when calling to set up a sales appointment.  Familiarity with the person and company  Your company’s position in the industry  Prior experience e. Identify barriers encountered when attempting to book appointments with prospective clients.  The “gate keeper”  Too busy, changing dates and times, change in whom you are meeting f. Explain how voice mail can be helpful in getting an appointment with a customer.  Important information can be conveyed in the proper tone g.Demonstrate how to book appointments with prospective clients.

12 a. Identify reasons for preparing for a sales presentation.  Increase chances of successfully selling  Understand the client and their needs b. Identify factors about the customer/client that should be determined prior to making a sales presentation.  Who is the decision maker?  How fast are decisions made? c. Describe preparation needed for sales presentations.  Know the needs of the client d. Identify factors that affect the preparation needed for sales presentations.  History with the client (Good or bad? Previous orders and satisfaction, what can the product do for them?)

13 e. Describe ways to prepare for a sales presentation.  Set up the information and demonstration, have ALL your materials  Practice f.Create a tentative sales presentation. g.Explain how to ask for a sales-presentation appointment. h.Demonstrate procedures for preparing for a sales presentation.

14 a. Identify characteristics of effective software sales presentations.  Color, motion, clear and concise  Key terms, not too wordy b. Discuss purposes of using presentation software packages to support sales presentations.  Bring the conversation alive  Offer discussion points  “A picture is worth a 1,000 words”

15 c. Describe ways that salespeople can use presentation software packages to support sales presentations.  Introduce the product and new ways to use it  Build discussion d. Explain how salespeople can use online sales presentations.  Generate interest, offer information, promote e. Demonstrate procedures for creating a software presentation to support sales presentations.

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