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Cellular Respiration Its how our cells release energy from food!

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Respiration Its how our cells release energy from food!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Respiration Its how our cells release energy from food!
BrainPOP: Cellular Respiration

2 Do you remember??? What types of organisms do photosynthesis?
Why do plants do photosynthesis? What are the reactants (what goes in)? What are the products (what goes out)? Which plant organelle is the site of photosynthesis? How do animals get their energy? How do they get food? Which organelle releases energy from food?

3 Cellular Respiration energy
The process by which cells release from glucose (sugar). energy This process happens in BOTH PLANT and ANIMAL cells!

4 Where do plants and animals obtain glucose?
FOOD! Animals get it from the food they eat! Plants get it from the food they make!

5 Glucose is the most common
sugar found in food! C6H12O6

6 Besides glucose, what else do cells use for cellular respiration?
Oxygen How do we get oxygen? Breathing

7 energy oxygen food breathing

8 Two Stages of Cellular Respiration
Use your textbooks… page 382! Two Stages of Cellular Respiration Stage 1: In the cytoplasm Stage 2: In the mitochondria Glucose is broken down into smaller molecules A small amount of energy is released The smaller molecules react and produce carbon dioxide, water and large amounts of energy.

9 What are the reactants and products of cellular respiration?
C6H12O O CO H2O energy glucose oxygen carbon dioxide water energy Is matter conserved after this chemical reaction?

10 Cellular Respiration Equation
This energy is also known as ATP! Reactants (what goes in) Products (what comes out)

11 Compare and Contrast: Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis
Reactants Products Organelle in which it occurs Type of organism light energy, CO2, H2O glucose, O2 glucose, O2 energy, CO2, H2O chloroplasts mitochondria producers such as plants and algae both plants and animals


13 Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

14 Exit Slip “P”= Photoysnthesis only “C”= Cellular respiration only
Description Answers 1. Releases energy from food 2. Makes food energy for the organism 3. Performed by autotrophs (plants) only 4. Produces carbon dioxide 5. Produces glucose and oxygen 6. Occurs in the chloroplast 7. Occurs in the mitochondrion 8. Uses glucose and oxygen 9. Uses sunlight, water and carbon dioxide 10. Performed by both autotrophs (plants) and heterotrophs (animals) C P P C P P C C P C

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