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The Conclusion Paragraph. Functions: Tells purpose of essay Summarizes without listing the points covered in the essay. Creates a broader implication.

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Presentation on theme: "The Conclusion Paragraph. Functions: Tells purpose of essay Summarizes without listing the points covered in the essay. Creates a broader implication."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Conclusion Paragraph

2 Functions: Tells purpose of essay Summarizes without listing the points covered in the essay. Creates a broader implication why should we care?

3 Parts of the Conclusion: Begin with a restatement of the thesis  not a repetition, and gradually widens toward a final, broad statement of implication. Borrow from the body paragraphs  without being flatly repetitive or listing points already covered. Reinforce analysis/ ideas (I believe this to be true because..)  Creates echoes of the introduction and body paragraphs ` Move outward-(The world should care because…) a broader implication so the reader can see the analytical focus in a larger perspective or application.

4 Characteristics of Quality Conclusions Strike a note of hope or despair. Give a symbolic or powerful detail/fact. Give an especially compelling example. Use a meaningful quotation. Recommend a course of action without being “preachy.” Echo the language and approach of the introduction. No longer than four to six sentences, but adequately developed. Include the title(s) and author(s) once more.

5 Things to Avoid: Avoid first-person point of view Avoid simply repeating the thesis and/or listing the main points. Don’t conclude more than you reasonably can from the evidence you have presented. Avoid any attempts at humor, cuteness, or sarcasm.

6 Sample 1: Throughout Morrison’s Beloved, memory has a power distinguished from other motifs in the novel. Memory is so pervasive that it functions as a separate character within the plot. It interacts with, and has a unique relationship with, each character; it brings up painful past experiences, and preys upon those resonances. Indeed, memory functions as an additional antagonist, dredging up the past, teasing and torturing without remorse the characters who attempt to forget. Ultimately, however, memory is defeated with Morrison’s dictate: “this is not a story to pass on.”

7 Breakdown Restatement of the thesis: Throughout Morrison’s Beloved memory has a power distinguished from other motifs in the novel. Borrow from the body paragraphs Memory is so pervasive that it functions as a separate character within the plot. It interacts with, and has a unique relationship with, each character; it brings up painful past experiences, and preys upon those resonances. Reinforce analysis/ ideas Indeed, memory functions as an additional antagonist, dredging up the past, teasing and torturing without remorse the characters who attempt to forget. Move outward Ultimately, however, memory is defeated with Morrison’s dictate: “this is not a story to pass on.”

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