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Lessons for the Church From the Book of Revelation.

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2 Lessons for the Church From the Book of Revelation

3 Introduction Rev 1:1-3 –A “revelation”, “to show” A book with a series of visions –Visions are best imagined –Overall thoughts can be seen In-depth studies can be informative –But often lose the BIG picture –What were the visions about? –When would they be fulfilled? “must shortly take place”, “the time is near”

4 What is it about? Rev 1:4-10 –A quick series of pictures that foreshadow the outcome of the book Christ: eternal, faithful witness, resurrected, king of kings, loving, forgiving (1:5-6) Christ the prophesied Messiah (1:7) –“coming with the clouds” - from Daniel –“...pierced...will mourn...” from Zechariah

5 What is it about? Theme: Victory in Jesus (1:8) –Jesus has already WON, He is the Almighty Each vision will focus on the basic fact that we can overcome and achieve victory –No matter the trial or temptation –John 16:32-33 Jesus overcame and so can we When will these visions be fulfilled? –Jesus' words (1:8) divide all time into three parts “is”, “was”, “is to come” –Present, past, future

6 Revelation The pattern of the visions –Each vision has a starting and ending point Some start and end with the present Some start in the past and end in the present or future Some start in the present and end in the future Some start in the future and end farther into the future

7 Revelation Visualizing the pattern of the visions PAST PRESENT FUTURE

8 Revelation The first vision is one that rests entirely in the present, but what “present”? –The “present” at the time of writing –But in larger terms “the present” is the time after Christ left earth, and before His return The “past” would be before His ascension The “future” will be His return and thereafter

9 Christ and the Churches Revelation 1:9-20

10 Introducing Christ Rev 1:9-20 –Christ standing amidst the lampstands Dressed as a high priest –The lampstands represent individual local churches (Rev 1:20) –Christ is watching each church He knows their strengths He knows their flaws He tells them what they need to do Although He only addresses 7 churches –We’ll see they are a good cross-section of churches of all times

11 4 Things All Churches Need to Hear 1.To the angel of the church Christ is directly concerned Christ has ALL authority over the churches 2.I know your deeds –God is NOT deceived 3. To him who overcomes Blessings for success Punishment for failure 4.He who has an ear, let him hear The choices are laid out clearly But God forces no one

12 Conclusion Our Lesson: What does Christ know about every church? The Complete Truth –Including the part you played in making it that way “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Cor 5:10


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