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8 Parts of Speech Warm Up – Tuesday, Sept. 2 Your 6 word memoir is due TODAY ! Make sure your name and class period are located on the back of your paper.

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Presentation on theme: "8 Parts of Speech Warm Up – Tuesday, Sept. 2 Your 6 word memoir is due TODAY ! Make sure your name and class period are located on the back of your paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 Parts of Speech Warm Up – Tuesday, Sept. 2 Your 6 word memoir is due TODAY ! Make sure your name and class period are located on the back of your paper.

2 Definitions Replaces a noun (he, she, it, they, we, you…) Short exclamations to explain, protest, express a strong feeling, or command (Ouch! Hi, my name is Alex. Well, I’m not sure. Wow! It’s only Tuesday.) Used to join clauses, sentences or words together *Coordinating Conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) *Subordinating Conjunctions (because, although, even though…) Links a noun to another word (to, at, on, from, of, behind, beside, within, around…)

3 “The Most Dangerous Game” What did you think of the story? Let’s Recap!

4 “The Most Dangerous Game” Plot Diagram Conflict:

5 Annotation : Marking up a text for the purpose of analysis. “To take notes on” Helpful if you have them: Highlighters Sticky Notes Bright colored pens

6 Why Annotate? You are interacting with the text in a more complex way, going beyond the surface level understanding of the story to a more analytical approach. Annotation is proven to you help you retain the information you read. It’s a great strategy for all your classes!!  Literary devices that you notice  Character development  Major turning points in the plot  Conflict and resolution of conflict  Important quotes/phrases that stand out to you  Elements of theme  Vocabulary words you don’t know or words you like  Make notes / ask questions in the margins! What do I Annotate?

7 Even 5 th graders can do it!

8 There is no right or wrong way to annotate a text. Whatever works for you!

9 Passage A  Exposition – setting / characters  Foreshadowing / Suspense  Irony  Characterization  Direct Characterization  Indirect Characterization

10 Passage B  Conflict  Characterization  Imagery  Suspense  Alliteration

11 Passage C  Irony  Ways the author builds suspense  Character development of Zaroff in particular  Foreshadowing

12 With a Partner – Passage D Annotate the passage together first. After you have read and marked it up once, go back and look for the following elements…  Theme development  Plot development (look for a climactic moment in this scene!)

13 Identifying Theme  What is the story about? Come up with a topic that captures the main idea of the piece.  What is the author trying to tell us about that topic? This is your theme. Themes cannot be just one word.

14 Individual Annotation – Passage E Annotate the passage first. After you have read and marked it up once, go back and look for the following elements…  Literary devices (similes, imagery, etc.)  How the author builds suspense  Inferences to Rainsford’s clever nature  Another climactic turning point in the story

15 You are on your own! I’m not guiding you at all this time. Annotate what you see in passage F.

16 We need to finish our green booklets:  Page 4 – Plot Diagram  Page 7 – Rainsford’s Character  Write down 1 quote that is an example of indirect characterization of Rainsford. Tell me what this quote shows about him.  Write down 1 quote that shows how Rainsford’s character changed in the story. Tell me what the change was.  Give me an example of each of the following types of conflict faced by Rainsford: man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. nature  Page 8 – Zaroff’s Character  Write down 2 quotes that are examples of indirect characterization of Zaroff. Tell me what these quotes show about Zaroff.  Give me 2 examples of when you see Zaroff facing a conflict.  Page 9 – Suspense  Give 1 quote that shows where foreshadowing is used to create suspense. Tell me how that scene creates suspense.  Give 1 quote where imagery is used to create suspense. Tell me how that scene creates suspense.  Give 1 quote where irony is used to create suspense. Tell me how that scene creates suspense.  Page 10 – What made “TMDG” an interesting story? Pick one literary device and explain how it contributes to the story. Make sure to use a quote to support your answer.

17 Homework  Finish the booklet pages

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