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+ Curriculum Vitae (CV). + What is a CV? The term “curriculum vitae” comes from the Latin Curriculum (course) and Vitae (life): The course of one’s life.

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1 + Curriculum Vitae (CV)

2 + What is a CV? The term “curriculum vitae” comes from the Latin Curriculum (course) and Vitae (life): The course of one’s life. A Curriculum Vitae includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details. It is similar to a résumé. It can be used to secure a job but it’s used primarily when applying for academic, education or scientific research positions as well as fellowships or grants (hint: financial aid for college).

3 + Objective + Requirements To prepare and format a working list of accomplishments and strong points for future education and employment CVs must be at least one page in length and may not exceed 2 pages. Subheadings with an asterisk (*) are optional for inclusion on the final product. You must include a minimum of 7 sections. The final product should be typed, professional looking, uploaded to and on time.

4 + CV section subheadings Personal Details Personal attributes and strengths Experience, skills, and language Achievements and honors Community Involvement Job History* Education, qualifications, and certifications Hobbies and interests* References

5 + Using Action verbs Use action verbs when writing the phrases to describe yourself, strengths, achievements, etc. on the CV worksheet Action Verbs give your resume power and direction.

6 + Action verbs Management Skills: increased organized oversaw planned prioritized produced recommended reviewed scheduled strengthened supervised improved administered

7 + Action verbs Communication Skills addressed mediated moderated motivated negotiated persuaded promoted publicized reconciled recruited spoke translated wrote arbitrated arranged authored corresponded developed directed drafted edited enlisted formulated influenced interpreted lectured

8 + Action verbs Clerical or detailed skills dispatched executed generated implemented inspected monitored operated organized prepared organized prepared processed validated

9 + Action verbs Research skills inspected interpreted interviewed investigated organized reviewed summarized surveyed systematized clarified collected critiqued diagnosed evaluated examined extracted identified

10 + Action verbs Technical skills assembled built calculated computed designed devised engineered trained upgraded

11 + Action verbs Teaching skills adapted advised clarified coached communicated coordinated developed enabled stimulated

12 + Action verbs Financial skills administered allocated analyzed appraised audited balanced budgeted researched

13 + Action verbs Creative skills illustrated instituted integrated introduced invented originated performed planned revitalized shaped acted conceptualized created designed developed directed established fashioned founded

14 + Action verbs Helping skills assessed assisted clarified coached counseled demonstrated represented

15 + Reminders Use the fill-in-the-blank worksheet to plan your CV. CV is due by Thursday, Sept. 8 by 11:59 p.m. uploaded to A rubric is available on the assignment handout and website.

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