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Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems An introduction to the world of mapping habitat and land use.

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Presentation on theme: "Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems An introduction to the world of mapping habitat and land use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems An introduction to the world of mapping habitat and land use

2 What is remote sensing? Remote sensing is the use of data collected by precision instruments such as cameras, probes, and sensors that are not being operated directly by a technician in the field

3 Why is remote sensing important in estuaries? The world is such a vast place that the ability to understand how ecosystems like an estuary work require scientists to seek and use large data sets to interpret changes. These types of large data sets, including images such as aerial photos, can most easily be obtained by using remote observation techniques.

4 What is GIS? GIS stands for Geographic Information System and it is a computer-based mapping tool that allows users to manipulate large sets of data as layers or themes. These themes appear as graphics on a base layer which may be a map or orthographic aerial photo.

5 How does GIS work? The series of following images demonstrate how layers of information or data can be added over a base map or image. Each data layer is called a theme and can be turned on or off depending on the viewers interest. Themes can overlap and have specific data associated with them.

6 What are orthographic photos? Orthographic photos are aerial photos taken at an absolute right angle to the earth’s surface. This type of photo is useful because it can be used for exact measurement, and accurate interpretation of many features of the landscape and waterways.

7 Aerial photo flyover

8 An orthographic aerial photo of Charleston, Oregon

9 Insert series of land use/habitat slides in sequence Use NOAA/ERD scheme if possible Use base image different from Charleston image Insert more definitions of terms such as orthographic photos, etc.


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