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Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Duke TRT Progress.

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Presentation on theme: "Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Duke TRT Progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Duke TRT Progress

2 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Outline  Status of Module production and acceptance testing  Other production responsibilities  Fuse box  Capacitors  Work at CERN  BSS  Barrel TRT assembly

3 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Module Production  Mechanical Construction – ended in May  All Type II (M2.01 to M2.37) are completed and gas tight.  All Type III (even number Type III (minus M3.32,M3.34)) are completed and gas tight.  Stringing  Type II  M2.37 is in progress (last module)  Type III  5 Modules were sent to Hampton for stringing  M3.36 is in progress (last module)

4 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Stringing stations

5 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Wire-joint production  We have enough for the production/rework in US.  We are producing for rework at 154 and spares: ~5000 is planned.  ~100,000 has been produced….

6 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Acceptance /Gain map  Acceptance work -> pass the specification  HV/Tension /Leak Rate/Dimensional Check/Signal testing  8 Type II, and 6 Type III were sent to Hampton after acceptance testing for gain map.  Type II : Three modules are left to process  Type III : Two modules are left to process  Duke Gain Mapping  Has mapped ~20 modules  <1% of dead straws : cannot be fixed –Bent straws, Stringing problem  Eight type II and three type III modules to go  Will process and ship all modules at Duke by November

7 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Fuses Boxes  The design is completed and entire production quantity is being machined (<- slight delay after pre-production run due to tolerance problem)  To receive the first batch of fuses (~1800)  No good estimation for the assembly time yet.  Should we test fuses through random sampling?  Acceptance specification?  Not in critical path

8 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain HV capacitor assembly  Decision was made to go with NPO/850pf /2000 volts.  We are in production  assembled ~ 7000 capacitors out of ~19,000.  ~200 were used in the beam test  Final rad hardness test was done with production capacitors  HV soaking for two months at 2750 volts– 50 capacitors –current draw : 50-100 nA  Some were sent for rad testing –Neutron radiation test (5x10 14 n/cm 2 ) –Co 60 radiation test (20 MRad)  Under 2750 volts after the test - no problems so far  After assembly  Long term HV soaking test (10 days at 2750 volts). A fixture to test 2000 capacitors at once is being tested  Coating  Tested spraying technique (with paint spray gun) and looked promising  Spray ~100 at one time  Minimum thickness of ~30 microns  Not in critical path

9 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Capacitor fixtures

10 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain BSS assembly  One of Jack & Doug’s main tasks  Responsible for RF shielding – technique has developed  Dimensional measurement and analysis of endframes and cylinders  Actual assembly with CERN personnel  Get it ready as soon as endframes and cylinder are ready

11 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Barrel TRT assembly  Duke will be ready to make a ‘substantial’ contribution  All our production responsibilities will be over by early 04  People: Doug, Jack, one tech, Chiho, Bill, Seog

12 Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Summary  Our module production/testing will be over including the gain mapping by November, 03  Capacitor and fuse box assembly/testing will be finished by early 04  We should be ready for the barrel TRT assembly, and are looking forward it.

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