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JEOPARDY The Industrial Revolution Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Agricultural.

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2 JEOPARDY The Industrial Revolution

3 Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Agricultural Rev Inventions Philosoph ies Inventors Vocabulary

4 What was crop rotation This was the innovation that allowed nutrients to be restored to the soil.

5 What was the enclosure movement This was the name given to the closing in of small farms to form a more productive larger farm.

6 Who was George III? He was the English King during the American Revolution nicknamed “Farmer George”.

7 What were stronger and larger horses, and fatter sheep and cattle for meat? These were the genetic improvements created by Robert Bakewell to improve agricultural yields.

8 What was the Netherlands? This was the country that used windmills and dikes to reclaim farmland that was below sea level.

9 What were interchangeable parts and the cotton gin? These were the two inventions of Eli Whitney.

10 What was the spinning jenny? This was James Hargreave’s invention to spin up the production of thread..

11 What was the dynamo? This was the electric generator that worked by rotating a coil of wire between the poles of a magnet.

12 What was the “Rocket”? This was the first steam locomotive.

13 What was the spinning mule? Samuel Crompton’s invention that enabled the faster spinning of thicker more durable thread.

14 What was the telegraph? This was the invention developed by Samuel Morse that allowed people to communicate over great distances and also helped coordinate train traffic.

15 What are factories? In many ways the cathedrals of the Industrial Age, the places that bring both workers and machines together to manufacture vast quantities of goods.

16 What was the flying shuttle? This was the invention of John Kay’s that enabled weavers to make cloth faster.

17 What was the “Clermont”, a steamship? This was Robert Fulton’s invention.

18 What was steam? This was the great power source of the early Industrial Revolution.

19 Who was Thomas Malthus? This English economist and writer said that the population would grow faster than the food supply causing mass starvation.

20 Who was David Ricardo?( hey Lucy) This British economist developed the “iron law of wages”, that stated when times were good people had more children, which increased the labor supply and eventually lowered wages.

21 Who was Jeremy Bentham? This British economist preached the doctrine of utilitarianism, or the idea that the goal of a society was to do the most good for the greatest amount of people.

22 Who was John Stuart Mill? This British economist and social reformer stated that the free market favored the strong over the weak, and thought that the government should step in and help people.

23 Who was Karl Marx? This German economist argued that eventually the working class would rise up and overthrow the middle class factory owners or (bourgeoisie), and create a classless society.

24 Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”

25 What was the proletariat? This is what Karl Marx called the working class.

26 What was Communism? This is Marx’s word for the type of socialism that springs from the inevitable class struggle between the workers and owners.

27 What was Methodism? This was the Protestant religion spread by John Wesley and circuit riding preachers to the poor working class in the slums of Great Britain and poor of the United States.

28 What was urbanization? This is the movement of people from the country or rural areas to the cities.

29 Who were the Utopians? These were the groups of early socialists who tried to set up perfect communities, like Robert Owen’s New Lanark, Scotland or New Harmony in Indiana.

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