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US History Chapter 4-6 review. Terms Entrepreneur- person who invests money in a product or a business with the hope of making a profit Laissez Faire-absence.

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Presentation on theme: "US History Chapter 4-6 review. Terms Entrepreneur- person who invests money in a product or a business with the hope of making a profit Laissez Faire-absence."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History Chapter 4-6 review

2 Terms Entrepreneur- person who invests money in a product or a business with the hope of making a profit Laissez Faire-absence of government control- hands off policy Patent-official rights given by the government to an inventor for the exclusive right to develop use and sell and invention Protective Tariff- tax on imported goods

3 Bessemer Process-method created to make steel more efficiently Mass Production-production of goods in large numbers through the use of machines and assembly lines Corporation-company recognized as a legal unit that has rights separate from the individual Monopoly-exclusive control by one company over an entire industry

4 Horizontal integration-system of consolidating many firms in the same business (monopoly) Vertical Integration-system of consolidating firms involved in all steps of a products manufacture Social Darwinism-that certain nations, businesses were superior and therefore destined to survive Sherman Anti-trust Act-1890 law banning any trust that restrained interstate trade or commerce

5 “Robber Baron”- term used to describe the ruthless business practices of the business leaders of the late 1800’s Knights of Labor- and Terrence Powderly- early Union that sought to organize workers and focused on reform Interstate Commerce Act-1887- government organization to oversee business practices ( railroad)

6 Haymarket Strike- Chicago labor protest that saw violence Homestead Strike- Strike against Carnegie steel over wages Pullman Strike-railway workers strike beginning in Chicago but spreading nationwide

7 Old Immigration- Immigrants from England, France and Ireland New Immigration- Eastern and Southern European immigration Nativism-belief that native born white Americans are superior to newcomers “Melting Pot”-nation where people of different nationalities assimilate to form one culture

8 Chinese Exclusion Act-1882- prohibited the immigration of Chinese Assimilate-to be absorbed into the main culture of society Ellis Island- entry in to America for immigrants Urbanization- expansion of the cities, growth of cities

9 Settlement House-community center to provide social services to the poor (Jane Addams) Tenement-multi-story apartment building to house as many as possible Mass Transit- public transportation

10 Homestead act- provided 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and cultivate for 5 yrs Dawes Act-divided reservation land into private family plots Wounded Knee-confrontation in 1890 that ended the Indian resistance

11 People Samuel Gompers-founder of AFL Thomas Edison- Inventor –electric light electric company Alexander Graham Bell- inventor of telephone Elisha Otis- invented elevator Joseph Glidden- invented barbed wire

12 Andrew Carnegie- builder of steel industry, skyscrapers and bridges John D. Rockefeller-Standard Oil Company refinery Cornelius Vanderbilt-railroad magnate J.P. Morgan-Banker and investor

13 Horatio Alger-Writer of rags to riches American dream Jacob Riis- wrote of ills of child labor Crocker, Hopkins, Huntington and Stanford- Big Four built the Central Pacific RR segment of transcontinental RR from Sacramento to Promontory Point where they linked with the union Pacific Railroad Eugene V Debs- Leader of American Railway Union

14 George Armstrong Custer- Massacred at Little Bighorn by Crazy Horse and Sioux warriors June 26,1876 Chief Joseph- Nez Perce Indian leader fled for nearly 1700 miles to escape return to reservations Sitting Bull- 1890 killed at wounded knee over Ghost Dance

15 Use the Following in a paragraph George Custer, Crazy Horse, Little Bighorn, Chief Joseph, Sitting Bull, Ghost Dance or Theodore Judah, Charles Crocker, Mark Hopkins, Colis Huntington, Leland Stanford,Central Pacific Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad, Promontory Point, Utah.


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