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Opportunities via E-Business Anna M. Chávez Chief of Staff Office of Government Contracting and Minority Enterprise Development U.S. Small Business Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities via E-Business Anna M. Chávez Chief of Staff Office of Government Contracting and Minority Enterprise Development U.S. Small Business Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities via E-Business Anna M. Chávez Chief of Staff Office of Government Contracting and Minority Enterprise Development U.S. Small Business Administration

2 9/17/99 Agenda - San Diego, CA 4 Effect of the Internet on Small Businesses 4 Benefits of Electronic Commerce (EC) 4 SBAs E-Commerce Strategies & Tools

3 U.S. Internet Revenue 4 $301 Billion in 1998 4 Other industry rivals - –Automobiles = $350 billion –Telecommunications = $270 billion 4 (Source: Univ. of Texas Study/Washington Post 6/10/99)

4 Effect of E-Commerce on Small Business 4 Over 4.5 million small employers used computer equipment in 1998 4 Small business and Internet Access –1996 = 21.5% –1998 = 41.2% 4 35% maintain Web site

5 EC Effects, Cont... 4 1997 - Small Businesses earned $3.5 billion in e-commerce sales 4 Next Decade - $25 billion to over $300 billion 4 By 2000, 1/3 of all business-to-business transactions via e-commerce 4 (Source: SBA Office of Advocacy, E-Commerce Report, July 1999)

6 Small Business PC Ownership

7 Benefits of E-Commerce 4 Benefits to federal government –Reduced acquisition times and costs –Lower prices for goods and services –Expanded number and quality of suppliers –Increased buyer productivity –Better management info –Better inventory control

8 Benefits of E-Commerce, cont. 4 Benefits to suppliers –Reduced time to market –Improved operating efficiencies –Improved product quality at reduced cost –Improved payment process –Expanded number of customers

9 SBAs Role in E-Commerce 4 Provide Federal Leadership in EC Initiatives for small business –Nov. 30, 1998 Presidential Directive –Create Internet-based gateway –Anytime-Anyplace strategies –Credit Card Acceptance –Electronic Catalogs

10 SBA E-Commerce Strategies 4 Fund seminars and workshops 4 Distance learning –OnLine Classroom –Web-based tutorials 4 Encourage Credit Card Acceptance –Electronic Catalogs

11 Strategies, cont... 4 Development and maintenance of SBA Internet-based applications 4 –U.S. Business Advisor –ACE-Net –Womens On-line Business Resource Center

12 Strategies, cont... 4 GC/MED E-Commerce Tools on-line 4 –PRO-Net –SUB-Net

13 Strategies, cont... 4 GC/MED E-Commerce Tools on-line, cont... –HUBZone –SDB - Private Certifiers –BusinessLINC –TECH-net 4 On-line certification, ex. 8a, SDB, & HUBZone

14 Credit Card Acceptance 4 FY 1998 - Fed. Govt = 28 million purchases 4 98% valued @ $25,000 or under 4 Market Segment Poised for EC Roll-out –Micro-purchases ($2,500 or less) –Orders under $25,000 from indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts or schedules

15 Electronic Catalogs 4 Allow buyers to electronically browse to gain awareness of products and services available under contract 4 Valuable tool for Business growth 4 GSA requirement: –Jan. 1999 - all schedule contractors must accept govt purchase card for micro-purchases ($2,500) on GSA Advantage!

16 GC/MED EC Tools PRO-Net Procurement Marketing and Access Network








24 GC/MED E-Commerce tools, cont... HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program

25 The HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program Community Based: 4 Empowerment 4 Employment 4 Enterprise

26 Purpose of the HUBZone Program 4 Provide federal contracting assistance for qualified small business concerns located in historically underutilized business zones to: –Increase employment opportunities –Stimulate capital investment in those areas –Empower communities through economic leveraging and the multiplier effect

27 Qualified Areas 4 Qualified Census Tracts (HUD) - 7,000 4 Qualified Nonmetropolitan Counties - 900 –Median household income is less than 80% of the nonmetropolitan state median household income (Census) –Unemployment rate that is not less than 140% of the state-wide average unemployment rate (BLS) 4 Indian reservations (external boundary)

28 Federal Departments and Agencies Affected Ten major federal agencies are included in the Program for FYs 1999 and 2000. After September 30, 2000, the HUBZone program will apply to all federal departments and agencies

29 Goaling 4 Based upon a percentage of the total value of federal prime contract awards 4 1999 - 1% 4 2000 - 1.5% 4 2001- 2% 4 2002 - 2.5% 4 2003 - 3% and each year thereafter

30 Requirements To Be A Qualified HUBZone SBC 4 FOUR REQUIREMENTS: –Must be a small business –Concern must be owned and controlled only by US citizens –The principal office of the concern must be located in a HUBZone; and –At least 35% of the concerns employees must reside in a HUBZone

31 The Certification Process 4 Fully electronic, Internet-based 4 Integrated with Pro-Net 4 SBA will not process incomplete packages 4 Processing time - 30 days 4 SBA may request additional information or clarification any time after submission 4 SBAs decision will be in writing

32 Contractual Assistance Procurement Methods 4 Set-aside awards 4 Sole source awards 4 Awards through full and open competition after application of a price preference in favor of the HUBZone SBC



35 National Perspective -Qualified HUBZones

36 California- Qualified HUBZones

37 San Diego, California Qualified Census Tracts

38 San Diego Census Tract 06070041.00

39 For Additional Information - Contact 4 Michael P. McHale - Acting AA/HUB 4 4 e-mail: 4 Telephone: (202) 205-8885 4 FAX: (202) 205- 7167

40 Conclusion 4 E-Commerce is used for… –customer identification –advertising –consumer sales –business-to-business transactions –participation in Federal government procurement

41 Conclusion, cont… 4 SBA will… –facilitate small business and entrepreneurial use of the Internet and electronic commerce Seminars and workshops Distance learning Credit Card Acceptance E-Commerce Tools

42 Thank You! 4 Please visit our website @ 4 E-mail me at 4 Call 202-205-6459

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