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"Leading for the Common Core" in Support of the Academic Achievement of Title I Eligible Students Willard R. Daggett, Founder and Chairman March 23, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: ""Leading for the Common Core" in Support of the Academic Achievement of Title I Eligible Students Willard R. Daggett, Founder and Chairman March 23, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Leading for the Common Core" in Support of the Academic Achievement of Title I Eligible Students Willard R. Daggett, Founder and Chairman March 23, 2012

2 why – what - HOW

3 HOW Interdisciplinary Chairs

4 HOW Interdisciplinary Chairs Looping

5 HOW Interdisciplinary Chairs Looping 9 th Grade Electives

6 HOW Interdisciplinary Chairs Looping 9 th Grade Electives Technology

7 Schools that adopt technology do old things in new ways.

8 Technology Schools that internalize technology create entirely new things.

9 A B D C

10 Summative Assessment Components: – Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) administered as close to the end of the school year as possible. The ELA/literacy PBA will focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. The mathematics PBA will focus on applying skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools – End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) administered after approx. 90% of the school year. The ELA/literacy EOY will focus on reading comprehension. The math EOY will be comprised of innovative, machine-scorable items Formative Assessment Components: – Early Assessment designed to be an indicator of student knowledge and skills so that instruction, supports and professional development can be tailored to meet student needs – Mid-Year Assessment comprised of performance-based items and tasks, with an emphasis on hard-to-measure standards. After study, individual states may consider including as a summative component

11 Next Navigator

12 12345

13 Road Map State Standards to State Test

14 NYS Assessment English LA Performance Indicators Tested

15 NYS Assessment Mathematics Performance Indicators Tested

16 State Tests State Standards A A

17 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research

18 National Essential Skills Study (NESS)

19 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings ELA Skill: Write clear and concise directions or procedures. GroupRank Overall9 Business/Industry2 Other Non-educators10 English Language Arts Teachers25 Other Educators8

20 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings ELA Skill: Give clear and concise oral directions. GroupRank Overall7 Business/Industry3 Other Non-educators9 English Language Arts Teachers28 Other Educators7

21 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings Math Skill: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to right triangles. GroupRank Overall20 Business/Industry29 Other Non-educators31 Mathematics Teachers4 Other Educators24

22 NESS Study Subgroup Rankings Math Skill: Understand accuracy and precision of measurement, round off numbers according to the correct number of significant figures, and determine percent error. GroupRank Overall12 Business/Industry3 Other Non-educators10 Mathematics Teachers30 Other Educators8

23 Proficiency for Title I Eligible Students

24 Reading Study Summary 600 800 1000 1400 1600 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)

25 NESS & Lexile State Tests State Standards A

26 Common Core Standards NESS & Lexile State Tests State Standards A

27 NY Standards CCSS

28 CCSS NY Standards

29 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research State Standards to CCSS CCSS to State Standard

30 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research State Standards to CCSS CCSS to State Standard State Test to CCSS Samples to NGA

31 Road Map State Standards to State Test State Standards to Research State Standards to CCSS CCSS to State Standard State Test to CCSS Samples to NGA

32 State Test NGA Create a large spinner for a game that has at least eight sectors. Each sector should be assigned a different prize. Prizes should range in value from most appealing to least appealing. Vary the sectors so that the probability to win a desired prize is much less that the probability to win a lesser desired prize. Calculate the theoretical probability of landing on each prize. Conduct multiple trials with the spinner and determine the experimental probability of landing on each prize. Which price has the greatest probability and which prize has the least probability?

33 Common Core Standards NESS & Lexile State Tests State Standards Consortium Assessment DA

34 A B D C

35 Gold Seal Lessons




39 New York Arts Education New York Mathematics Key Ideas/Performance Indicators Grade 8 New York State Assessment Visual Arts DanceMusicTheatre 8.N.3 Read, write, and identify percents less than 1% and greater than 100% HMMMM 8.N.6 Justify the reasonableness of answers using estimation HHHHH 8.A.2 Write verbal expressions that match given mathematical expressions HHHHH 8.A.3 Describe a situation involving relationships that matches a given graph MMMMM 8.A.4 Create a graph given a description or an expression for a situation involving a linear or nonlinear relationship MMLLL

40 New York Career and Technical Education Curriculum Matrix for English Language Arts New York English Language Arts Learning Standards/ Performance Indicators Grade 9 Excerpt NY Regents ComprehensiveEnglish Exam Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Food Products &Processing Systems AgribusinessSystems Power, Structural &Technical Systems EnvironmentalService Systems Plant Systems Natural ResourceSystems Animal Systems Design/ Pre-ConstructionConstruction Maintenance/Operations Performing Arts Visual Arts Printing Technology Journalism &Broadcasting A/V Technology& Film Telecommunications Use specialized reference sources, such as glossaries and directories H Read and follow written, complex directions and procedures to solve problems and accomplish tasks -demonstrate task awareness by employing flexible strategies H Skim texts to gain an overall impression and scan texts for particular information -focus on key words and phrases to generate research questions H Recognize the defining features and structures of informational texts H Read, view, and interpret texts and performances in every medium from a wide variety of authors, subjects, and genres (e.g., short stories, novels, plays, film and video productions, poems, and essays) H Read, view, and respond independently to literary works that represent a range of social, historical, and cultural perspectives H

41 School Needs Assessment for Title I Eligible Students

42 Teaching Organizational Leadership Instructional Leadership Student Achievement

43 Organizational Leadership Student Achievement

44 Culture Organizational Leadership

45 The Changing Landscape for Title I Eligible Students Technology

46 Semantic Web Analyze Documents Key words and headers (Google) Meaning / Concepts Wolfram Alpha Complete Task

47 2 + 2 Integrate x^2 sin^3 x dx gdp francewhat is the gdp of france?what is the gdp of france / italyinternet users in europe springfield weather springfield

48 Implications Homework Term Paper

49 -Wolfram Alpha- Will search all language and give you response in your language Will respond in writing or verbally (in your language)



52 SPOT Integrated ProjectionIntegrated Projection Projection KeyboardProjection Keyboard

53 Projection Keyboard

54 Projection Keyboard and Projector

55 The Changing Landscape for Title I Eligible Students Technology Globalization

56 The Changing Landscape for Title I Eligible Students Technology Globalization Financial

57 The Changing Landscape for Title I Eligible Students Technology Globalization Financial Demographics

58 Culture Vision Organizational Leadership

59 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school)

60 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements)

61 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning)

62 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning) Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes)

63 Guiding Principles Responsibility Responsibility Contemplation Contemplation Initiative Initiative Perseverance Perseverance Optimism Optimism Courage Courage Respect Respect Compassion Compassion Adaptability Adaptability Honesty Honesty Trustworthiness Trustworthiness Loyalty Loyalty

64 Survey Tools for Rigor, Relevance and Relationships We Learn Student Survey We Teach Instructional Staff Survey We Lead Whole Staff Survey

65 Teacher vs. Student Comparison T – Students can apply what I am teaching to their everyday lives. 92% S – I can apply what I learn to my everyday life. 58%

66 Teacher vs. Student Comparison T – Students in my classroom engage in hands-on activities. 88% S – We do lots of hands-on activities in my classes. 45%

67 Teacher vs. Student Comparison T – I make learning exciting for my students. 84% S – My teachers make learning exciting.40%

68 Teacher vs. Student Comparison T – I recognize students when they demonstrate positive behavior in school. 95% S – Good citizenship is rewarded in this school. 40%

69 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning) Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes)

70 Those things that are easy to measure are least important Those things that are most important are hardest to measure


72 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning) Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes)

73 Culture Vision Structure and systems Organizational Leadership

74 Organizational Changes to Support Title I Eligible Students Looping

75 Organizational Changes to support Title I Eligible Students Looping Interdisciplinary Chairs

76 Culture Vision Structure and systems Organizational Leadership Build leadership

77 Top-down support for bottom-up success … for Title I Eligible Students

78 Empower Leadership Teams

79 Culture Vision Structure and systems Selection, support, evaluation Organizational Leadership Build leadership

80 Culture Vision Structure and systems Selection, support, evaluation Organizational Leadership Build leadership

81 Criteria Foundation Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Learner Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning) Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes)

82 Culture Vision Structure and systems Selection, support, evaluation Organizational Leadership Build leadership

83 Culture Vision Structure and systems Selection, support, evaluation Data systems Build leadership Organizational Leadership

84 Teaching Organizational Leadership Instructional Leadership Title I Eligible Student Achievement

85 Rigor and Relevance Teaching

86 1 2 3 4 5 Blooms CDCDABABCDCDABAB 4 5 6 3 2 1 Application Levels

87 Rigor and Relevance Relationships Teaching

88 1 2 3 12345 A B D C Calculate with numbers, including decimals, ratios, percents, and fractions. Understand two- dimensional motion and trajectories by separating the motion of an object into x and y components. Rigor/Relevance Framework

89 1 2 3 12345 A B D C Know the characteristics and phenomena of sound waves and light waves. Understand the effect of sounds, words, and imagery on a listening audience. Rigor/Relevance Framework

90 Rigor and Relevance Relationships Content Teaching

91 Rigor and Relevance Relationships Content Teaching How students learn

92 A B D C

93 How Title I Eligible Students Learn

94 A B D C

95 Rigor and Relevance Relationships Content Teaching How students learn Instructional strategies

96 Rigor and relevance Relationships Content Teaching How students learn Instructional strategies Assessment to guide instruction

97 97

98 98 Interpreting distance-time graphs in a real- world context Realizing to the left is faster Understanding points of intersection in that context (theyre tied at the moment) Interpreting the horizontal line segment Putting all this together in an explanation

99 Teaching Instructional Leadership Title I Eligible Student Achievement

100 High expectations Instructional Leadership

101 Common Core State Standards Fewer Clearer Higher

102 2009 Proficiency Grade 8 Mathematics Proficient Required NAEP Score Texas 83 % (+22)254 (-19) Georgia 81 % (+12)247 (-8) North Carolina 80 % (-4)253 (+6) Florida 66 % (+8)266 (-3) Ohio 59 % (+8)269 (-9) Arkansas 61 % (+27)267 (-21) Mississippi 54 % (+1)264 (+2) Massachusetts 49 % (+7)300 (-1)

103 High expectations Curriculum Instructional Leadership

104 High expectations Curriculum Literacy and math Instructional Leadership

105 High expectations Curriculum Literacy and math Data-driven Instructional Leadership

106 Next Navigator

107 North Carolina Arts Education North Carolina English Language Arts Strands/Goals/Objectives Grade 8 National Essential Skills Study (NESS) Rankings N.C. End-of- Grade Test Visual Arts DanceMusicTheatre Strands: Oral Language, Written Language, and Other Media/Technology Competency Goal 1 The learner will use language to express individual perspectives through analysis of personal, social, cultural, and historical issues. 1.01 Narrate a personal account which: creates a coherent, organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context. establishes a point of view and sharpens focus. uses remembered feelings. selects details that best illuminate the topic. connects events to self/society. E7 E9 E25 E45 HHHHH 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: monitoring comprehension for understanding of what is read, heard and/or viewed. reviewing the characteristics of expressive works. determining the importance of literary effects on the reader/viewer/listener. making connections between works, self and related topics drawing inferences. generating a learning log or journal. maintaining an annotated list of works that are read or viewed, including personal reactions. taking an active role in and/or leading formal/informal book/media talks. E2 E10 E24 E25 HHHHH

108 Career and Technical Education North Carolina English Language Arts Strands/Goals/Objectives English 1 NESS) Rank End-of-Course Test Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Food Products &Processing Systems Agribusiness Systems Power, Structural &Technical Systems EnvironmentalService Systems Plant Systems Natural ResourceSystems Animal Systems Design/Pre-Construction Construction Maintenance/Operations Performing Arts Visual Arts Printing Technology Journalism &Broadcasting A/V Technology& Film Telecommunications 2.01 Demonstrate the ability to read, listen to and view a variety of increasingly complex print and non-print informational texts appropriate to grade level and course literary focus E2 E12 E21 E23 E35 H 2.02 Explain commonly used terms and concepts E2 E9 E37 E38 E43 L 2.03 Instruct an audience in how to perform specific operations or procedures E8 E11 E14 E15 E17 L 2.04 Form and refine a question for investigation, using a topic of personal choice, and answer that question E8 E9 E14 E15 E40 L

109 High expectations Curriculum Literacy and math Data-driven Provide professional growth Instructional Leadership

110 Teaching Organizational Leadership Instructional Leadership Title I Eligible Student Achievement

111 1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY 12148 Phone (518) 399-2776 Fax (518) 399-7607 E-mail -

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