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8th Sakai Conference4-7 December 2007 Newport Beach Internationalization in Sakai Raúl Mengod López Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

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Presentation on theme: "8th Sakai Conference4-7 December 2007 Newport Beach Internationalization in Sakai Raúl Mengod López Universidad Politécnica de Valencia."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Sakai Conference4-7 December 2007 Newport Beach Internationalization in Sakai Raúl Mengod López ( Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)

2 2 Overview Introduction: sakai in UPV Tool Internationalization in UPV –Calendar Tool –Message Center –Page and Tool Titles I18n issues Review I18n-QA 2.6 Tentative Roadmap

3 3 Introduction: Sakai in UPV Pilot in 2006 Running 2.1.2 in 2006/2007 –Customized for local requirements –Fixed some I18n Issues Running 2.4.x in 2007/2008 –Customized for local requirements –Fixed some I18n Issues Replication of fixes on every version The cost for version update is going up.

4 4 i18n Fixes Valencia is in a Bi-lingual region of Spain All the applications offered in 3 languages –Spanish,Valencian(Catalan), English Strong requirements and complains –Calendar –Message Center –Page and Tool Titles

5 5 Calendar Tool SAK-8459 (Calendar presentation internationalization ) Which is the First Day of Week? “And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done.” Genesis 2-1 –Sunday America, Australia, Canada, China, South Africa, Portugal, Brazil, Japan –Monday Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, France, Denmark, The Netherlands –Saturday Saudi Arabia

6 6 Calendar Tool

7 7 Changes in –New method GetFirstDayofWeek Changes in –Logic to control the days to be shown Changes in velocity files –chef_calendar_viewMonth.vm –chef_calendar_viewWeek.vm –chef_calendar_viewYear.vm University of Lleida has a different approach.

8 8 Calendar Tool

9 9

10 10 Message Center SAK-12146 (Messages default folders' names localization is not related to the viewer's preferences) Folders created by default –Received, Sent, Deleted –Created with the ‘creation language’ –Don’t change when using a different language

11 11 Message Center Create new keys in pvt_sent, pvt_deleted, pvt_received Store keys in the database in the MFR_TOPIC_T.TITLE column –Look up in the bundle for translation of recovered topic title. –Set title value if no translation is found (for customized folders)

12 12 Message Center

13 13 Message Center

14 14 Message Center SAK-8569 ( MessageCenter internationalization review ) MessageCenter internationalization review Compose Message To list shows non i18n texts –All Participants, –XXX Role, –XXX Section

15 15 Message Center Include new bundle properties –all_participants_desc=Todos los componentes –participants_group_desc=Grupo {0} –participants_role_desc=Todos los {0} –Separate Code and Description in Select Lists

16 16 Message Center

17 17 Pages and Tools Titles SAK-8908 (Tool titles and Page titles should be displayed in user's prefered language/locale)Tool titles and Page titles should be displayed in user's prefered language/locale Created in the language of the site creator. Titles stored in the database –SAKAI_SITE_PAGE.TITLE –SAKAI_SITE_TOOL.TITLE Titles don’t change when the user selects a different language. Titles can only be edited in sites editor tool Translation of tools –tool/tool-impl/impl/src/bundle/

18 18 Pages and Tools Titles

19 19 Pages and Tools Titles UPV Approach for Page Title –Save tool register name in database (sakai.samigo, sakai.gradebook etc…) –Use the same column (TITLE) –Use new bundle file to get the description in the selected language portal/portal-impl/impl/src/bundle/ – New method getInternationalizedTitle

20 20 Pages and Tools Titles UPV Approach for Tool Title –Save tool register name in database (sakai.samigo, sakai.gradebook etc…) –Use the same column (TITLE) –Create a new properties file site/site-impl/impl/src/bundle/ –Change,

21 21 Pages and Tools Titles

22 22 Pages and Tools Titles

23 23 Pages and Tools Titles Positive –Easy implementation –Allows customization of repeated tools –Don’t need a conversion script Negative –Needs modification of properties files when adding a new tool –Registration name visible in Site Info –Names duplicates in 3 properties files

24 24 Pages and Tools Titles Other Alternatives –Store tools names in an XML in the Database Initialization based on property files Store XML in SAKAI_SITE_TOOL / SAKAI_SITE_PAGE Create an widget for editing –Use Dynamic Language Beans? –Any idea is welcome!!!!

25 25 I18n Issues Review Issues reported and unsolved in JIRA –43 ISSUES –Some are very old –Seems that no one is working on them Issues marked as priority in confluence –Make it easier to do by moving non-internationalization related items out files and into.config files –Adopt Localized Date/Time Widget for all tools

26 26 I18n QA i18n should be part of the QA QA servers are not supporting full i18n capabilities (fixed). A i18n tool certification should be passed before promoting tools? –Check list of i18n requirements for tools –Testing with UFT-8

27 27 2.6 Tentative Roadmap Look for the better alternatives for existing bugs Include already fixed tools in sakai trunc branch ….

28 28 Thank You Raúl Mengod López

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