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Professionalism ….in the workplace. Dawn of a New Era Where do we start?

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Presentation on theme: "Professionalism ….in the workplace. Dawn of a New Era Where do we start?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionalism ….in the workplace

2 Dawn of a New Era Where do we start?

3 What does professional mean? An occupation requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation Conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession

4 Professionalism is: TEAMWORK

5 Teamwork Teamwork is the single most important vital sign of the health of the organization or agency. Everyone’s participation and input is critical to successful resuscitation. A-Team approach

6 A-Team B Team Proactive Confident Positive Competent Compassionate Communicative Team spirit Teachers Trust Does what it takes Sense of humor Moves the meat Negative Reactive Confused Lazy Late Poor communications Constant complainer BMW club Can’t do Always surprised

7 Which are you? You make the call (Monday Night Football)

8 Professionalism is: Having an awareness of how your actions, body language, and words affect others

9 Professionalism is: Being fully accountable for one’s actions

10 Professionalism is: Utilizing kindness, compassion, intelligence, and direct communication to lead others

11 Professionalism is: Learning to master a mindful, calm response to an emergency

12 Judgment and decision- making Multiple decisions must be made everyday. –1. What to do –2. Why to do it –3. How to do it –4. When to do it –5. Where –6. Whom to do it with

13 Decisions require thought and carry significant consequences.

14 Character traits A. Professionalism brings together who you are as a person and how those traits contribute to the workplace. B. Personal values are things that have a high degree of worth to the individual.

15 C. Reputation - character in the view of the community D. Morals - capability to differentiate between right and wrong E. Integrity - of sound moral principal

16 F. Trustworthiness/Respect/Honesty –1. Be to work on time. –2. Perform the responsibilities of job with competence. –3. Keep promises and meet obligations.

17 Professionalism is NOT: Allowing someone else to take responsibility, while you stand by.

18 Professionalism is NOT: Blaming others for your mistakes or poor response

19 Professionalism is NOT:

20 Losing your composure in chaos “When things go wrong, don’t go with them.” Unknown

21 Professionalism is NOT:

22 Although things may not easy…

23 And sometimes things may seem impossible…

24 It does not excuse you from being unprofessional. Don’t let reasons become excuses


26 Remember:

27 Reflection: Many times we are all too focused on our own concerns, tasks and conveniences. We lose sight of the primary reason we exist. When faced with adversity, it is often best to step back, assess what you can control, assess what you cannot control, and assess your resources.

28 Factors Professionals Must Always Consider Teamwork Relentless pursuit of excellence Basic Business Facts Customer Service Unfailing Integrity

29 Why do we struggle with this??? Attitude Ego Fear Seniority Confusion Poor impulse control

30 Fundamental Personality Rules You cannot control anyone except maybe…. Yourself. The most difficult people don’t realize that they are the terrorists.

31 “The strength of any structure is only as strong as the sum compilation of the individual components it is comprised of. It is the design, the mortar, and the precision of assembly that allows seemingly unimaginable fortitude.”

32 Do you have what it takes?

33 In the health care work place, personal traits like character, values, morals, ethics, integrity, and trustworthiness are vital.

34 Key personality traits essential for health care jobs: Nurturing and stable disposition Ability to manage stress Service orientation Flexibility

35 Three C’s are vital to the professional and personal success of any health care worker. Courtesy Compassion Common Sense

36 The 6 P’s of Professionalism: Punctual Prepared Properly dressed Participates Performs required tasks Polite

37 What would you do? What is the right thing to do? You witness a coworker taking money from the petty cash box in your department. She says she needs to borrow the money to get her car fixed, and she’ll pay it back when she gets her next paycheck. She reminds you that she did you a big favor when you first started your job and asks that you not report her to the supervisor

38 WORDS OF WISDOM Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.


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