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Remember the Titans Director: Boaz Yakin Producer: Jerry Bruckheimer Coach Boone: Denzel Washington Coach Yoast: Will Paton.

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Presentation on theme: "Remember the Titans Director: Boaz Yakin Producer: Jerry Bruckheimer Coach Boone: Denzel Washington Coach Yoast: Will Paton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remember the Titans Director: Boaz Yakin Producer: Jerry Bruckheimer Coach Boone: Denzel Washington Coach Yoast: Will Paton

2 Background to Film In the late 60s and early 70s, many Americans began to question the ongoing war in Vietnam. Among other things, young people could not understand the unnecessary killing of Vietnamese. In 1970 students at Kent University protested against the war.







9 Background to the Film Meanwhile, African-American students were still trying to find other means to begin equal educational opportunities. The case filed by Dr. Swann was making its way to the United States Supreme Court.

10 Background to the Film By April of 1971 (eleven months after the Kent State shootings), the high court delivered its judgment to the country. In Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, the now famous case that permitted busing of students to achieve racial integration, the high court sent a message to the country. All schools had to become integrated immediately. That included schools in Alexandria, Virginia - a place where football was king.

11 Shot Types The type of shot that the director chooses to use shows a number of things; Emotions (Close Up) The amount of movement or action of the characters. (Mid-shot) The detail of the surroundings (Long Shot)

12 Close Up

13 Over the Shoulder Shot

14 Mid-Shot

15 Establishing Shot

16 Long Shot

17 Camera Angles Camera angles are used to manipulate perspective. As an audience we receive messages about shots by the angles that are used. High Angle – often used to make a character appear smaller or show a. Low angle – often used to make a character look large and dominant.

18 Low Angle (Mid Shot)

19 High Angle Shot

20 Plot What is plot? We will get an overview of the film, up to the convenient halfway point in the film. Have a think about which scene you think could be the half-way scene.

21 For each of the following shots; A. Name the shot type B. Write who is involved C. Describe what is happening in the film at this point. D. Write why you think this shot is important in revealing information about themes in the film.

22 1.

23 2.

24 3.

25 4.

26 5.

27 6.

28 7.

29 8.

30 9.

31 10.

32 Important Quotations A.Who says this? B. What is the quote’s significance?

33 “Now I may be a mean cuss, but I’m the same mean cuss to everybody on that football field.”

34 “Coach, I’m hurt. I ain’t dead.”

35 “Left side!” “Strong side!”

36 “You’re hall of fame in my book Coach.”

37 “Now you start calling this game fair, or I’ll go to the papers.”

38 Themes List all the ideas/themes/messages that you think this text shows.

39 Main Themes and Other Themes Overcoming Racism Teamwork Friendship

40 Key Moments for Teamwork The challenge – Team divided Overcoming – Team comes together Resolution – Victory against other teams! Note that this pattern is repeated!

41 Key Moments for Over-coming Racism 1.The challenge – Initial Racism: Bussing protest, Gerry’s statement to Boone. 2.Overcoming – “Left side, Strong side.” 3.Resolution – “Can’t you see that he’s my brother.”

42 Key Moments for Friendship 1.The challenge – Racial issues - fight, societal issues: girlfriend, mum 2.Overcoming – “Left side, Strong side”, mum, girlfriend. 3.Resolution – Girlfriend, mum, “Can’t you see that he’s my brother.”

43 Plot Films typically follow a basic Emotional Curve, and can be looked at from a 3 Act Structure. Most of the time, a plot follows a pattern of; – Act 1: Set-up, – Act 2: Confrontation – Act 3: Resolution.

44 The Typical Emotional Curve Act 1Act 2Act 3Time Set-UpConfrontationResolution Tension

45 Question for Disucussion: Does this curve apply to Remember the Titans? Some thoughts: How does the camp functions as its own 3 Act Pattern. What is the “Central Moment” in the film? What happens in the second half of the film?

46 Characters Reveal Themes List the six most important characters. Some of the characters’ stories only make sense if we put them into pairs. What characters “pair-off” most easily? For each pair, write down what what we can learn from their story. Some characters teach a lesson through their own story. Who does this, and what is their message?

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