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Reaching out to teachers: INSET and CPD at university Kevin Watson Department of Linguistics and English Language Lancaster University

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching out to teachers: INSET and CPD at university Kevin Watson Department of Linguistics and English Language Lancaster University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching out to teachers: INSET and CPD at university Kevin Watson Department of Linguistics and English Language Lancaster University

2 INSET at Lancaster Rationale (1) –teachers feel they lack knowledge (/confidence) in particular areas of EL –they don’t get to hear about new research until it is published –they don’t have time to find & read new journal articles

3 INSET at Lancaster Rationale (2) –allows the Dept to make connections with the FE community –cost neutral –we find out what students are taught before they get to us –we create potential allegiances for research

4 INSET at Lancaster What we do: in brief –conference for teachers of A Level English Language –talks in schools/colleges –MA in English Language –online resources for teachers

5 What we do Conference for teachers of A Level English Language –runs every two years, at end of June –5 x 1 hour sessions –lectures and workshops by members of the department –panel/discussion session at end of day –focus on providing resources –…and sharing ideas

6 What we do Talks in schools & colleges –To teachers and pupils –Relevant areas of the EL syllabus –Present some work in progress with some background/extract of data analysis/provide some data/description of the state of the art –Remove the ivory tower

7 What we do MA in English Language –Started in 2005: full time, campus based MA –To start in 2008: part time, distance version

8 Online resources Fast access resources Pre published material Point of contact for teachers and pupils

9 Benefits For A level teachers For A Level students For HE depts For HE students

10 Co-ordinated effort Distance of travel –(teachers generally don’t travel too far from home)


12 Co-ordinated effort Distance of travel Areas of expertise –(even if same broad area is covered in multiple places – e.g. accents and dialects – the focus will likely be different)

13 What there needs to be A co-ordinated effort Schools & FE to tell HE what they want HE to be receptive to it An awareness of the mutual benefits of this kind of collaboration

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